install Command Examples

The “install” command is a utility found in the GNU Core Utilities package that allows users to copy files from one location to another and set their attributes, such as permissions and ownership. Typically, “install” is used to copy files, often executable binaries, to system directories like /usr/local/bin, and ensure they have the appropriate permissions and ownership to be executed or accessed by users.

Here’s a more detailed explanation of how the “install” command works:

  • Copying Files: The primary function of the “install” command is to copy files from a source location to a destination location. Users specify the source file(s) they want to copy and the destination directory where they want the files to be placed.
  • Setting Attributes: In addition to copying files, the “install” command allows users to set various attributes for the copied files, including permissions (read, write, execute), ownership (user and group), and timestamps. This ensures that the copied files have the appropriate settings for their intended use.
  • System Installation: One common use case for the “install” command is to install executable binaries or other system files into standard system directories, such as /usr/local/bin or /usr/local/sbin. By using “install” to copy these files, users can ensure that they are placed in the correct location and have the necessary permissions to be executed by users.
  • Safety Features: The “install” command includes safety features to prevent accidental overwriting of existing files. For example, it will refuse to overwrite existing files unless explicitly instructed to do so with the “-C” or “–backup” options.
  • Customization: Users can customize the behavior of the “install” command by specifying various options and arguments. For example, they can control the permissions and ownership of the copied files using the “-m” (or “–mode”) and “-o” (or “–owner”) options, respectively.

install Command Examples

1. Copy files to the destination:

# install [path/to/source_file1 path/to/source_file2 ...] [path/to/destination]

2. Copy files to the destination, setting their ownership:

# install --owner [user] [path/to/source_file1 path/to/source_file2 ...] [path/to/destination]

3. Copy files to the destination, setting their group ownership:

# install --group [user] [path/to/source_file1 path/to/source_file2 ...] [path/to/destination]

4. Copy files to the destination, setting their mode:

# install --mode [+x] [path/to/source_file1 path/to/source_file2 ...] [path/to/destination]

5. Copy files and apply access/modification times of source to the destination:

# install --preserve-timestamps [path/to/source_file1 path/to/source_file2 ...] [path/to/destination]

6. Copy files and create the directories at the destination if they don’t exist:

# install -D [path/to/source_file1 path/to/source_file2 ...] [path/to/destination]


Overall, the “install” command is a versatile and powerful tool for copying files and setting their attributes on Unix-like systems. Whether installing system binaries, distributing software, or managing files in a script or build process, the “install” command provides users with a reliable and efficient way to ensure that files are copied correctly and have the appropriate settings for their intended use.

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