insmod: command not found

The insmod command is used to add modules to the currently running kernel.


The syntax of the insmod command is as follows:

# insmod [module_name]

The exact location of the module needs to be specified. For example:

# insmod /usr/lib/modules/3.19.8-100.fc20.x86_64/kernel/fs/

With insmod command you have to know the exact location of the module. If the module has any dependencies (a module that needs another module), it will fail to load. It is low-level form of module loading, that forms the base of other module loading methods, and is the one we will use in this book. On the other hand, there is modprobe, mostly used by sysadmins or in a production system. modprobe is a clever command that parses the modules.dep file in order to load dependencies first, prior to loading the given module. It automatically handles module dependencies, as a package manager does.


The syntax of the insmod command is:

# insmod filename [module-options]

If you enciunter below error while running the insmod command:

insmod: command not found

you may try installing the below package as per yout choice of distribution:

OS Distribution Command
Debian apt-get install kmod
Ubuntu apt-get install kmod
Alpine apk add kmod
Arch Linux pacman -S kmod
Kali Linux apt-get install kmod
CentOS yum install kmod
Fedora dnf install kmod
Raspbian apt-get install kmod
Note: Error messages from insmod may be vague, because the kernel performs module operations internally and therefore sends error information to the kernel log instead of standard output; see dmesg.
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