inkscape Command Examples

Inkscape is a powerful and versatile open-source vector graphics editor used for creating, editing, and manipulating Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files. SVG is a widely supported file format for scalable two-dimensional graphics that can be rendered in web browsers, design software, and various other applications. Inkscape provides a user-friendly interface and a wide range of features for designing illustrations, icons, logos, diagrams, and other types of vector-based artwork.

Here’s a more detailed explanation of Inkscape:

  • Vector Graphics Editing: Inkscape specializes in the creation and editing of vector graphics, which are composed of geometric shapes such as points, lines, curves, and polygons. Unlike raster graphics, which are based on pixels and can lose quality when resized, vector graphics maintain their sharpness and clarity at any size.
  • Feature-Rich Interface: Inkscape offers a comprehensive set of tools and features for designing and editing vector graphics. These include drawing tools for creating shapes and paths, text tools for adding and formatting text, object manipulation tools for resizing, rotating, and transforming objects, and various filters and effects for enhancing artwork.
  • SVG Format Support: Inkscape natively supports the SVG file format, allowing users to import, edit, and export SVG files seamlessly. In addition to SVG, Inkscape also supports other popular vector graphics formats such as PDF, EPS, AI, and DXF.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Inkscape is available for multiple operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it accessible to a wide range of users. Its consistent user interface and feature set ensure a consistent experience across different platforms.
  • Plugin System: Inkscape features a flexible plugin system that allows users to extend its functionality with additional features and tools. Users can install and manage plugins to customize their workflow and enhance productivity.
  • Community and Support: Inkscape has a vibrant and active community of users and developers who contribute to its development, provide support, and create resources such as tutorials, documentation, and templates. The official website and forums serve as hubs for community interaction and collaboration.
  • Version Compatibility Note: For Inkscape versions up to 0.92.x, the command-line option -e should be used instead of -o for exporting SVG files to other formats. This is important to ensure compatibility with older versions of the software.

inkscape Command Examples

1. Open an SVG file in the Inkscape GUI:

# inkscape [filename.svg]

2. Export an SVG file into a bitmap with the default format (PNG) and the default resolution (96 DPI):

# inkscape [filename.svg] -o [filename.png]

3. Export an SVG file into a bitmap of 600×400 pixels (aspect ratio distortion may occur):

# inkscape [filename.svg] -o [filename.png] -w [600] -h [400]

4. Export the drawing (bounding box of all objects) of an SVG file into a bitmap:

# inkscape [filename.svg] -o [filename.png] -D

5. Export a single object, given its ID, into a bitmap:

# inkscape [filename.svg] -i [id] -o [object.png]

6. Export an SVG document to PDF, converting all texts to paths:

# inkscape [filename.svg] -o [filename.pdf] --export-text-to-path

7. Duplicate the object with id=”path123″, rotate the duplicate 90 degrees, save the file, and quit Inkscape:

# inkscape [filename.svg] --select=path123 --verb="[EditDuplicate;ObjectRotate90;FileSave;FileQuit]"


Overall, Inkscape is a valuable tool for graphic designers, illustrators, web developers, and anyone else working with vector graphics. Its intuitive interface, rich feature set, and broad compatibility make it a popular choice for creating and editing SVG artwork.

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