img2txt Command Examples in Linux

img2txt is a command line utility that can be used to convert images to color ASCII characters and output them to text-based colored files. It uses image processing algorithms to convert the image into a grid of characters, where each character represents a block of pixels in the original image. The resulting text-based image can then be displayed in a terminal or saved to a file. The ASCII characters used to represent the image can be customized and different characters can be used to represent different shades of gray or color.

img2txt can be used to convert various image file formats such as JPEG, PNG, BMP and others. The output can be in the format of plain text, HTML, or ansi art. img2txt also allows for some degree of image manipulation, for example, it allows you to resize the image, adjust the contrast and brightness, change the color depth and more.

img2txt is a fun and creative way to play with images and can be used for a variety of purposes, such as creating ASCII art, generating unique text-based images for social media or website, or creating unique text-based animations.

img2txt Command Examples

1. Set output column count to a specific value:

# img2txt --width=10

2. Set output line count to a specific value:

# img2txt --height=5

3. Set output font width to a specific value:

# img2txt --font-width=12

4. Set output font height to a specific value:

# img2txt --font-height=14

5. Set image brightness to a specific value:

# img2txt --brightness=2
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