i3: command not found

i3 is a popular, open-source tiling window manager for Linux and Unix systems. It is known for its efficiency and flexibility, as well as its ability to dynamically arrange and organize windows on the screen. One of the key features of i3 is its tiling layout, which automatically arranges windows in a grid-like structure, without the need for manual resizing or repositioning. This can help to improve productivity and reduce clutter on the screen.

i3 also has a number of other useful features, such as support for multiple workspaces, configurable keybindings, and the ability to easily switch between different layouts. Additionally, it is highly customizable and can be configured to suit a wide range of users and workflow.

If you encounter the below error while running the command i3:

i3: command not found

you may try installing the below package as per your choice of distribution:

Distribution Command
Debian apt-get install i3-wm
Ubuntu apt-get install i3-wm
Arch Linux pacman -S i3-wm
Kali Linux apt-get install i3-wm
Fedora dnf install i3
Raspbian apt-get install i3-wm

i3 Command Examples

1. Start i3 (Note that a pre-existing window manager must not be open when this command is run.):

# i3

2. Open a new terminal window:

Super + Return

3. Create a new workspace:

Super + Shift + number

4. Switch to workspace [number]:

Super + number

5. Open new window horizontally:

 Super + h

6. Open new window vertically:

 Super + v

7. Open application (type out application name after executing command):

 Super + D
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