How to uninstall local-apt-repository software package in Ubuntu

local-apt-repository is not a standard or official software package available in Ubuntu. However, there are third-party packages available on the internet with that name which can be used to set up a local APT repository.

APT (Advanced Package Tool) is a package management system used by Ubuntu and other Debian-based Linux distributions to manage the installation and removal of software packages. Setting up a local APT repository can be useful in situations where there is limited or no internet connectivity or when you want to control the packages that are available to your system.

local-apt-repository is a script or tool that helps to set up a local APT repository on your Ubuntu system. It typically involves creating a directory structure to hold the packages, configuring the APT sources list file to point to the local repository, and importing packages into the repository.

While there are several third-party tools available for setting up a local APT repository, some of the popular ones include apt-mirror, reprepro, and aptly. These tools can help automate the process of creating and maintaining a local repository and are available in the official Ubuntu repositories.

It is important to note that setting up a local APT repository requires some knowledge and understanding of how APT works and how to manage Debian packages. As such, it is recommended to carefully read the documentation and tutorials before attempting to set up a local APT repository using any tool.

Uninstalling local-apt-repository software package in Ubuntu

You can uninstall an installed local-apt-repository package from Ubuntu using the below command:

$ sudo apt-get remove local-apt-repository 

Uninstall local-apt-repository including dependent package

If you would like to remove local-apt-repository and it’s dependent packages which are no longer needed from Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove local-apt-repository 

Use Purging local-apt-repository

If you use with purge options to local-apt-repository package all the configuration and dependent packages will be removed.

$ sudo apt-get purge local-apt-repository 

If you use purge options along with auto remove, will be removed everything regarding the package, It’s really useful when you want to reinstall again.

$ sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove local-apt-repository 
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