How to Install Automatic Bug Reporting Tool(ABRT) package in RHEL 9 (How to capture coredump in RHEL 9)

The Automatic Bug Reporting Tool (ABRT) package is a utility developed by Red Hat, designed to automatically detect and report application crashes on Linux-based systems. ABRT plays a crucial role in identifying software issues, collecting relevant data about crashes, and facilitating the submission of bug reports to aid in debugging and resolving problems.

This tool is especially valuable for system administrators, developers, and users who want to proactively address and resolve software crashes. ABRT helps streamline the bug reporting process by automating the collection of diagnostic information when a crash occurs, making it easier for developers to understand and fix the underlying issues.

Where is ABRT in RHEL 9?

The Automatic Bug Reporting Tool (ABRT) is a feature developed by Red Hat, designed to identify and report application crashes automatically. However, it has been noted that this tool is not available in Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9.


In lieu of ABRT, RHEL 9 users can utilize the systemd coredumpctl functionality to collect application coredumps. This capability is inherent to systemd and is expected to be present on Oracle Linux 9 systems by default.

To manage and inspect collected application coredumps, follow the commands shown below:

1. To list all captured core dumps:

# coredumpctl list

2. To provide an application or program’s list of core dumps that have been captured:

# coredumpctl list [app]

3. In order to display details regarding the core dumps that correspond to a program that has a ‘PID’:

# coredumpctl info [PID]

4. To launch a debugger with a program’s most recent core dump:

# coredumpctl debug program

5. Use this command to extract a program’s most recent core dump to a file:

# coredumpctl --output=path/to/file dump program

See the man page for coredumpctl for additional details:

# man coredumpctl


The coredumpctl tool of systemd can significantly streamline working with core dumps on the machine where the crash happened. This post outlines how to capture a core dump of unresponsive process.

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