How to Install apt-transport-https package in Debian

apt-transport-https is a package in Linux that enables the use of HTTPS (HTTP Secure) repositories in the Advanced Packaging Tool (APT) package manager. It allows APT to securely download packages over an encrypted HTTPS connection, which is important for protecting against malicious attacks and maintaining the privacy and integrity of the package data.

When a user adds a new repository to their system, APT uses the HTTP protocol to download package lists and metadata from the repository. However, this method is not secure, as the data is transmitted in plain text and can be intercepted or modified by attackers. To address this security concern, apt-transport-https adds support for the HTTPS protocol, which encrypts the data in transit using SSL/TLS.

To use HTTPS repositories with APT, users must first install the apt-transport-https package. This package contains the necessary tools and libraries to enable HTTPS support in APT. Once the package is installed, users can add HTTPS repositories to their system by modifying the /etc/apt/sources.list file or by creating new files in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ directory.

When an HTTPS repository is added, APT will automatically use the apt-transport-https package to download packages and metadata over a secure connection. If a user attempts to download a package from an HTTPS repository without apt-transport-https installed, they will receive an error message indicating that the repository cannot be accessed.

Installing apt-transport-https Package in Debian

apt-transport-https software package provides https download transport for APT, you can install in your Debian by running the commands given below on the terminal:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https 

apt-transport-https is installed in your system.

Make ensure the apt-transport-https package were installed using the commands given below,

$ sudo dpkg-query -l | grep apt-transport-https *

You will get with apt-transport-https package name, version, architecture and description in a table


In summary, apt-transport-https is an important package for Linux users who wish to use HTTPS repositories with APT. It provides a secure way to download packages and metadata from repositories over an encrypted connection, helping to protect against malicious attacks and maintain the privacy and integrity of the package data.

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