How to convert text files to all upper or lower case

As usual, in Linux, there are more than 1 way to accomplish a task. To convert a file (input.txt) to all lower case (output.txt), choose any ONE of the following:

To convert a file (input.txt) to all lower case (output.txt)

1. dd: You may have used dd for many other purposes but it can be used for text conversions also.

$ dd if=input.txt of=output.txt conv=lcase

2. tr: You can translate all uppercase (A–Z) to lowercase characters (a-z) using the tr command and specifying a range of characters, as in:

There is also special syntax in tr for specifying this sort of range for upper and lower case conversions:

$ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'  output.txt

3. awk: awk has a special function tolower for uppercase to lowercase conversion.

$ awk '{ print tolower($0) }' input.txt > output.txt

4. perl:

$ perl -pe '$_= lc($_)' input.txt > output.txt

5. sed:

$ sed -e 's/\(.*\)/\L\1/' input.txt > output.txt

We use the backreference \1 to refer to the entire line and the \L to convert to lower case.

To convert a file (input.txt) to all upper case (output.txt)

1. dd: Use below command to convert lowercase to uppercase.

$ dd if=input.txt of=output.txt conv=ucase

2. tr: You can translate all lowercase characters (a-z) to upercase (A–Z) using the tr command and specifying a range of characters, as in:

$ tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'  output.txt

There is also special syntax in tr for specifying this sort of range for upper-and lower-case conversions:

$ tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'  output.txt

3. awk: awk has special function toupper for lowercase to uppercase conversion.

$ awk '{ print toupper($0) }' input.txt > output.txt

4. perl:

$ perl -pe '$_= uc($_)' input.txt > output.txt

5. sed:

$ sed -e 's/\(.*\)/\U\1/' input.txt > output.txt
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