“hg add” Command Examples

hg add is a command used in Mercurial, a distributed version control system, to include specified files in the staging area for the subsequent commit. This command is essential for managing changes to files within a Mercurial repository effectively. When working on a project, developers often make modifications to multiple files, and not all changes are intended to be included in the next commit immediately. By using hg add, developers can selectively choose which changes to stage for the next commit, allowing for granular control over the versioning process.

Key points regarding hg add include:

  • Staging Changes: The primary purpose of hg add is to stage changes made to specific files. Staging changes involves marking them as candidates for inclusion in the next commit, effectively signaling to Mercurial that these modifications should be tracked as part of the project’s history.
  • Selective Staging: Unlike some version control systems where all modifications are automatically staged, Mercurial requires developers to explicitly specify which files to add to the staging area. This selective staging approach offers greater flexibility and control over the versioning process, allowing developers to manage changes more efficiently.
  • Workflow Flexibility: hg add fits into various development workflows, enabling developers to stage changes incrementally as they work on different features or address specific issues. This incremental staging approach helps maintain a clean and organized commit history, making it easier to review changes and collaborate with team members.
  • Integration with Other Commands: hg add seamlessly integrates with other Mercurial commands, such as hg commit, which commits the staged changes to the repository, and hg status, which displays the current status of files in the working directory. Together, these commands form the core workflow for managing changes in a Mercurial repository.
  • Documentation Reference: The Mercurial documentation provides detailed information about the usage and options of hg add, including examples and best practices. This documentation serves as a valuable resource for developers looking to understand the command’s behavior and incorporate it effectively into their workflows.

“hg add” Command Examples

1. Add files or directories to the staging area:

# hg add [path/to/file]

2. Add all unstaged files matching a specified pattern:

# hg add --include [pattern]

3. Add all unstaged files, excluding those that match a specified pattern:

# hg add --exclude [pattern]

4. Recursively add sub-repositories:

# hg add --subrepos

5. Perform a test-run without performing any actions:

# hg add --dry-run


In summary, hg add plays a crucial role in the Mercurial version control system by allowing developers to selectively stage changes to files, facilitating a flexible and efficient approach to managing project revisions. By leveraging hg add alongside other Mercurial commands, developers can maintain a well-structured repository and streamline their collaboration efforts.

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