heroku Command Examples

Heroku is a cloud platform that enables developers to build, deploy, and manage applications seamlessly. With Heroku’s command-line interface (CLI), users can interact with the platform directly from their terminal, offering a convenient and efficient way to create and manage Heroku apps.

Key features and functionalities of Heroku CLI include:

  • App Management: Heroku CLI allows users to create, configure, and manage applications hosted on the Heroku platform. Developers can easily create new apps using a simple command and manage existing apps by deploying new code, scaling resources, and configuring settings.
  • Deployment: Developers can deploy their applications to Heroku directly from the command-line interface. By simply running a single command, users can push their code to Heroku’s servers, where it is automatically built, tested, and deployed to the specified app environment.
  • Collaboration: Heroku CLI facilitates collaboration among team members by providing commands for sharing app access, managing collaborators, and controlling access permissions. This ensures that multiple developers can work on the same app simultaneously, streamlining the development process.
  • Add-ons: Heroku offers a wide range of add-ons and extensions that enhance the functionality of applications hosted on the platform. With Heroku CLI, users can easily browse available add-ons, install them into their apps, and manage add-on configurations directly from the command-line interface.
  • Configuration: Heroku CLI provides commands for configuring various aspects of app environments, including environment variables, database settings, and runtime options. Developers can manage app configurations efficiently using simple commands, ensuring consistency and reliability across different app environments.
  • Logging and Monitoring: Heroku CLI offers commands for accessing app logs, monitoring performance metrics, and troubleshooting issues. Developers can view real-time logs, analyze application performance, and diagnose errors directly from the terminal, enabling quick and effective problem resolution.
  • Integration: Heroku CLI seamlessly integrates with popular version control systems, development tools, and continuous integration platforms. Developers can automate deployment pipelines, trigger builds based on code changes, and integrate Heroku into their existing workflows using custom scripts and automation tools.

heroku Command Examples

1. Log in to your Heroku account:

# heroku login

2. Create a Heroku app:

# heroku create

3. Show logs for an app:

# heroku logs --app [app_name]

4. Run a one-off process inside a dyno (Heroku virtual machine):

# heroku run [process_name] --app [app_name]

5. List dynos (Heroku virtual machines) for an app:

# heroku ps --app [app_name]

6. Permanently destroy an app:

# heroku destroy --app [app_name]


Overall, Heroku CLI simplifies the process of app development and management on the Heroku platform, offering a powerful and versatile toolset for developers. By providing a unified command-line interface for app deployment, configuration, and monitoring, Heroku CLI enhances productivity, collaboration, and efficiency in the development lifecycle.

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