head Command Examples

head is a command-line utility that is primarily used to display the beginning part of files, typically the first few lines. It is commonly employed to preview the contents of files without having to display the entire file, which can be especially useful when dealing with large files or when only a quick glance at the beginning of a file is needed.

Key features and functionalities of head include:

  • Previewing File Contents: By default, head displays the first 10 lines of each specified file. This default behavior provides users with a quick overview of the contents of the file’s beginning section.
  • Customizable Output: Users can specify the number of lines to be displayed using the -n or –lines option followed by the desired number of lines. This allows users to tailor the output according to their specific needs.
  • Displaying Multiple Files: head can process multiple files simultaneously, displaying the specified number of lines from the beginning of each file. This feature is particularly useful when analyzing the initial sections of multiple files in a single command.
  • Binary File Support: In addition to text files, head can also process binary files. When dealing with binary files, head treats each byte as a separate line, allowing users to inspect the initial bytes of the file.
  • Integration with Pipelines: head can be seamlessly integrated into command pipelines, enabling users to combine it with other commands to perform more complex operations. For example, users can use head in conjunction with other commands like grep or sed to filter or manipulate specific sections of files.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: head is part of the GNU Core Utilities package, which is available on most Unix-like operating systems, including Linux and macOS. This cross-platform compatibility ensures that head can be reliably used across different environments without modification.
  • Documentation and Support: The GNU Core Utilities project provides comprehensive documentation and support resources for head, including manual pages and online documentation. These resources offer detailed information on the usage, options, and behavior of head, helping users to effectively utilize the tool in their workflows.

head Command Examples

1. Output the first few lines of a file:

# head --lines [count] [path/to/file]

2. Output the first few bytes of a file:

# head --bytes [count] [path/to/file]

3. Output everything but the last few lines of a file:

# head --lines -[count] [path/to/file]

4. Output everything but the last few bytes of a file:

# head --bytes -[count] [path/to/file]


Overall, head is a versatile and essential tool for quickly previewing the beginning sections of files in a terminal environment. Whether inspecting text files, examining binary data, or integrating with other commands in pipelines, head provides users with a convenient and efficient means of accessing and analyzing file contents.

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