hashid Command Examples

HashID is a Python3 program designed to identify various types of data and password hashes. Developed to assist cybersecurity professionals, forensic analysts, and software developers, HashID offers a reliable and efficient way to recognize different hash algorithms used for data encryption, password hashing, and digital signatures.

Key features and functionalities of HashID include:

  • Hash Identification: HashID employs a comprehensive database of hash patterns and algorithms to accurately identify the type of hash used in a given input. By analyzing the characteristics and structure of the hash value, HashID can determine whether it corresponds to common cryptographic algorithms such as MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, bcrypt, and many others.
  • Flexible Input Options: HashID accepts a wide range of input formats, including single hash values, multiple hashes listed in a file, or even entire files containing hash values. This flexibility allows users to analyze hash data in various formats and seamlessly integrate HashID into their existing workflows and tools.
  • Customizable Output: Upon identifying the hash type, HashID provides detailed information about the algorithm, including its name, variant, and any additional metadata. The program generates clear and concise output, making it easy for users to interpret the results and take appropriate actions based on the identified hash type.
  • Extensibility: HashID is built with extensibility in mind, allowing users to contribute new hash signatures and algorithms to enhance its detection capabilities. The program’s open-source nature encourages collaboration and community involvement, ensuring that HashID remains up-to-date with the latest developments in cryptographic techniques and hash algorithms.
  • Command-Line Interface (CLI): HashID features a user-friendly command-line interface that simplifies the process of hash identification. Users can run HashID from the terminal with a single command, specifying the input data and options as needed. This straightforward interface makes HashID accessible to both novice and experienced users alike.
  • Active Development: HashID is actively maintained and updated by its developer community, ensuring ongoing support, bug fixes, and improvements. Users can rely on HashID as a reliable tool for hash identification and stay informed about new releases and features through its GitHub repository and documentation.

hashid Command Examples

1. Identify hashes from standard input (through typing, copying and pasting, or piping the hash into the program):

# hashid

2. Identify hashes passed as arguments (multiple hashes can be passed):

# hashid [hash]

3. Identify hashes on a file (one hash per line):

# hashid [path/to/hashes.txt]

4. Show all possible hash types (including salted hashes):

# hashid --extended [hash]

5. Show hashcat’s mode number and john’s format string of the hash types:

# hashid --mode --john [hash]

6. Save output to a file instead of printing to standard output:

# hashid --outfile [path/to/output.txt] [hash]


In summary, HashID is a versatile and powerful tool for identifying data and password hashes, offering accurate detection, flexible input options, customizable output, extensibility, and a user-friendly command-line interface. Whether used for cybersecurity analysis, forensic investigations, or software development, HashID provides valuable insights into the cryptographic algorithms used to secure digital data and passwords.

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