handbrakecli Command Examples

handbrakecli is the command-line interface (CLI) for HandBrake, a versatile and popular video conversion and DVD ripping tool. Designed to provide users with powerful video processing capabilities in a convenient and scriptable manner, handbrakecli allows for seamless integration of HandBrake’s functionality into automated workflows, batch processing tasks, and custom scripts.

Key features and functionalities of handbrakecli include:

Video Conversion: handbrakecli enables users to convert video files from one format to another, supporting a wide range of input and output formats. Whether it’s converting videos for compatibility with specific devices, optimizing file sizes for web streaming, or transcoding between different codecs, HandBrake’s CLI offers flexible and customizable conversion options.

DVD Ripping: In addition to video conversion, handbrakecli facilitates the ripping of DVDs, allowing users to extract content from physical discs and convert it into digital formats. This functionality is particularly useful for archiving DVD collections, creating backup copies, or digitizing content for playback on various devices.

Batch Processing: handbrakecli supports batch processing of multiple files, enabling users to apply the same conversion or ripping settings to multiple videos or DVD titles simultaneously. This feature enhances efficiency and productivity, especially when dealing with large collections of media files or repetitive tasks.

Customization Options: HandBrake’s CLI provides extensive customization options, allowing users to fine-tune encoding parameters, adjust video/audio settings, apply filters and effects, and configure output presets according to their specific requirements. Advanced users can leverage these options to optimize video quality, reduce file sizes, or achieve desired playback characteristics.

Scripting and Automation: With its CLI interface, HandBrake seamlessly integrates into automated workflows and scripting environments. Users can create custom scripts or batch files to automate common tasks, schedule conversions or rippings, and integrate HandBrake into larger media processing pipelines or software applications.

Cross-Platform Compatibility: handbrakecli is available for multiple operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, ensuring broad compatibility and accessibility across different platforms. This allows users to leverage HandBrake’s CLI functionality regardless of their preferred operating environment.

Community Support: HandBrake benefits from an active and supportive user community that provides documentation, tutorials, forums, and other resources to assist users in getting started with handbrakecli, troubleshooting issues, and sharing tips and best practices.

handbrakecli Command Examples

1. Convert a video file to MKV (AAC 160kbit audio and x264 CRF20 video):

# handbrakecli --input [input.avi] --output [output.mkv] --encoder x264 --quality 20 --ab 160

2. Resize a video file to 320×240:

# handbrakecli --input [input.mp4] --output [output.mp4] --width 320 --height 240

3. List available presets:

# handbrakecli --preset-list

4. Convert an AVI video to MP4 using the Android preset:

# handbrakecli --preset="Android" --input [input.ext] --output [output.mp4]

5. Print the content of a DVD, getting the CSS keys in the process:

# handbrakecli --input [/dev/sr0] --title 0

6. Rip the first track of a DVD in the specified device. Audiotracks and subtitle languages are specified as lists:

# handbrakecli --input [/dev/sr0] --title 1 --output [out.mkv] --format av_mkv --encoder x264 --subtitle [1,4,5] --audio [1,2] --aencoder copy --quality [23]


Overall, handbrakecli offers a versatile and powerful solution for video conversion and DVD ripping tasks, combining the capabilities of HandBrake’s core functionality with the flexibility and automation provided by a command-line interface. Whether for personal use, professional projects, or integration into larger software systems, HandBrake’s CLI empowers users to efficiently manage their video processing needs with ease and precision.

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