gyb Command Examples

gyb is a versatile command-line tool designed to provide users with a convenient means of locally backing up Gmail messages using Gmail’s API over HTTPS. Developed as part of the GAM project, which stands for Google Account Manager, gyb offers a robust and reliable solution for archiving Gmail messages, ensuring data preservation and accessibility even in the absence of an internet connection or Gmail access.

Key features and functionalities of gyb include:

  • Local Backup: gyb enables users to create local backups of their Gmail messages directly on their system, offering an added layer of data redundancy and security. By leveraging Gmail’s API over HTTPS, gyb securely retrieves messages from the user’s Gmail account and stores them locally in a designated location, such as a directory or storage drive.
  • Command-Line Interface (CLI): As a command-line tool, gyb provides users with a streamlined and efficient means of interacting with Gmail and performing backup operations. Users can initiate backup tasks, specify backup parameters, and configure backup settings via command-line commands and options, offering flexibility and control over the backup process.
  • Gmail API Integration: gyb utilizes Gmail’s API, which allows it to interact with Gmail servers and access users’ email messages programmatically. By leveraging Gmail’s API over HTTPS, gyb ensures secure communication and authentication, enabling seamless retrieval of messages while adhering to Gmail’s security and privacy protocols.
  • HTTPS Protocol: gyb communicates with Gmail’s API using HTTPS, a secure and encrypted communication protocol that protects data transmission between the gyb client and Gmail servers. By employing HTTPS, gyb ensures data integrity, confidentiality, and authenticity, mitigating the risk of unauthorized access or tampering during the backup process.
  • Customization and Configuration: gyb offers users a range of customization options and configuration settings to tailor the backup process to their specific needs and preferences. Users can specify various parameters, such as the scope of messages to backup, backup destination, file formats, and scheduling options, allowing for a personalized backup experience.
  • Documentation and Community Support: Users can refer to the comprehensive documentation provided by the GAM team for detailed instructions on installing, configuring, and using gyb. Additionally, the gyb project benefits from community support and collaboration, with users contributing feedback, suggestions, and enhancements to improve the tool’s functionality and usability.
  • Open-Source Nature: gyb is an open-source project hosted on GitHub, allowing users to access its source code, contribute improvements, and participate in its development. The open-source nature of gyb promotes transparency, innovation, and community engagement, fostering a collaborative ecosystem of users and developers working together to enhance the tool’s capabilities.

gyb Command Examples

1. Estimate the number and the size of all emails on your Gmail account:

# gyb --email [] --action estimate

2. Backup a Gmail account to a specific directory:

# gyb --email [] --action backup --local-folder [path/to/directory]

3. Backup only important or starred emails from a Gmail account to the default local folder:

# gyb --email [] --search "[is:important OR is:starred]"

4. Restore from a local folder to a Gmail account:

# gyb --email [] --action restore --local-folder [path/to/directory]


In summary, gyb serves as a valuable tool for users seeking to backup their Gmail messages locally using Gmail’s API over HTTPS. With its command-line interface, Gmail API integration, HTTPS protocol, customization options, documentation, and community support, gyb offers a reliable and efficient solution for preserving Gmail data and ensuring data availability and resilience in various scenarios.

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