gvpack Command Examples

gvpack is a versatile tool that belongs to the Graphviz suite, a collection of open-source software tools used for graph visualization and manipulation. Its primary function is to combine multiple graph layouts, each of which already contains layout information, into a single composite layout. By doing so, gvpack enables users to merge different graph components or subgraphs with existing layout details into a unified graph structure. This process is particularly useful when users need to integrate separately generated graph layouts or combine distinct graph sections into a cohesive visualization.

Key features and aspects of gvpack include:

  • Layout Combination: gvpack excels at merging graph layouts that have already been created with layout information. These layouts may have been generated independently or as separate components of a larger graph visualization project. gvpack allows users to merge these layouts seamlessly, preserving their respective positions, dimensions, and relationships within the composite layout. This capability facilitates the construction of complex graphs composed of multiple interconnected components.
  • Graphviz Filter Utility: As part of the Graphviz suite, gvpack operates as a Graphviz filter utility. Graphviz filters are command-line programs designed to perform specific graph processing tasks, such as layout optimization, graph transformation, and visual enhancement. By leveraging gvpack along with other Graphviz filters, users can implement advanced graph manipulation workflows to achieve their visualization objectives effectively.
  • Complementary Filters: gvpack is one of several filters included in the Graphviz suite, alongside tools like acyclic, bcomps, comps, edgepaint, gvcolor, mingle, nop, sccmap, tred, and unflatten. Each filter serves a unique purpose in graph processing, offering functionalities such as cycle removal, component analysis, colorization, and layout adjustment. By combining gvpack with these complementary filters, users can perform a wide range of graph manipulation tasks to customize their visualizations.
  • Command-Line Interface (CLI): Like other Graphviz filters, gvpack is operated via a command-line interface (CLI). Users can invoke gvpack from a terminal or script, specifying input graph files, output files, and any additional parameters or options to control the layout combination process. The CLI nature of gvpack facilitates its integration into automated workflows, batch processing pipelines, and scripting environments.
  • Documentation and Resources: The official documentation for gvpack provides comprehensive guidance on its usage, command-line options, input/output formats, and examples of layout combination scenarios. Additionally, users can refer to the broader Graphviz documentation and resources for detailed information on graph visualization techniques, best practices, and advanced features.
  • Graph Visualization Community: gvpack benefits from the active support and collaboration of the Graphviz community, comprising users, developers, and enthusiasts passionate about graph visualization. The community fosters knowledge sharing, feedback exchange, and contributions to the Graphviz ecosystem, ensuring the continuous improvement and relevance of tools like gvpack.

gvpack Command Examples

1. Combine several graph layouts (that already have layout information):

# gvpack [path/to/layout1.gv] [path/to/layout2.gv ...] > [path/to/output.gv]

2. Combine several graph layouts at the graph level, keeping graphs separate:

# gvpack -g [path/to/layout1.gv] [path/to/layout2.gv ...] > [path/to/output.gv]

3. Combine several graph layouts at the node level, ignoring clusters:

# gvpack -n [path/to/layout1.gv] [path/to/layout2.gv ...] > [path/to/output.gv]

4. Combine several graph layouts without packing:

# gvpack -u [path/to/layout1.gv] [path/to/layout2.gv ...] > [path/to/output.gv]

5. Display help for gvpack:

# gvpack -?


In summary, gvpack is a valuable tool for combining multiple graph layouts into composite visualizations, facilitating the creation of complex and interconnected graph structures. As part of the Graphviz suite, gvpack offers seamless integration with other Graphviz filters and tools, empowering users to achieve their visualization goals efficiently. With its command-line interface, documentation, and community support, gvpack enables users to create compelling and informative graph visualizations for various domains and applications.

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