gum Command Examples

Gum is a remarkable tool designed to elevate the creation of shell scripts to a new level of sophistication and elegance. With its focus on making shell scripting more glamorous, Gum empowers developers to craft shell scripts that are not only functional but also visually appealing and easy to understand.

Here are some key aspects and features of Gum:

  • Glamorous Shell Scripts: Gum enables developers to create shell scripts with a touch of glamour. By providing a set of intuitive and expressive commands, Gum allows developers to add colors, styles, and visual enhancements to their shell scripts effortlessly. With Gum, shell scripts can become more than just plain text commands – they can be transformed into visually engaging and aesthetically pleasing experiences.
  • Intuitive Command Line Interface: Gum features a user-friendly command-line interface that makes it easy to generate and customize glamorous shell scripts. Developers can use simple commands and options to specify the desired appearance and behavior of their scripts, including colors, fonts, backgrounds, and more. Gum’s intuitive interface streamlines the process of creating and modifying shell scripts, enabling developers to focus on their creative ideas rather than the intricacies of shell scripting syntax.
  • Versatile Customization Options: Gum provides a wide range of customization options for shell scripts, allowing developers to tailor the appearance and functionality of their scripts to suit their specific needs and preferences. Whether it’s adding custom colors, defining stylish prompts, or incorporating dynamic content, Gum offers flexible customization capabilities that empower developers to express their creativity and personality through their shell scripts.
  • Enhanced Readability and Usability: By adding visual enhancements and stylistic elements to shell scripts, Gum improves their readability and usability. With clearer prompts, visually distinct sections, and informative feedback messages, Gum helps users navigate and understand shell scripts more easily. This enhanced readability not only improves the user experience but also reduces the likelihood of errors and misunderstandings when executing shell scripts.
  • Community and Collaboration: Gum benefits from an active and supportive community of developers who contribute to its development, documentation, and ecosystem. The Gum community provides tutorials, examples, and best practices for creating glamorous shell scripts, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing among developers. By sharing their experiences and insights, community members help others unlock the full potential of Gum and create stunning shell scripts.
  • Free and Open Source: As an open-source project hosted on GitHub, Gum is freely available for anyone to use, modify, and contribute to. The open nature of Gum encourages innovation, experimentation, and collaboration, allowing developers to build upon each other’s work and continuously improve the tool. By embracing open-source principles, Gum empowers developers to create glamorous shell scripts that stand out and make a lasting impression.

gum Command Examples

1. Interactively pick a specific option to print to stdout:

# gum choose "[option_1]" "[option_2]" "[option_3]"

2. Open an interactive prompt for the user to input a string with a specific placeholder:

# gum input --placeholder "[value]"

3. Open an interactive confirmation prompt and exit with either 0 or 1:

# gum confirm "[Continue?]" --default=false --affirmative "[Yes]" --negative "[No]" [&& echo "Yes selected" || echo "No selected"]

4. Show a spinner while a command is taking place with text alongside:

# gum spin --spinner [dot|line|minidot|jump|pulse|points|globe|moon|monkey|meter|hamburger] --title "[loading...]" -- [command]

5. Format text to include emojis:

# gum format -t [emoji] "[:smile: :heart: hello]"

6. Interactively prompt for multi-line text (CTRL + D to save) and write to data.txt:

# gum write > [data.txt]


In summary, Gum is a powerful tool that reimagines shell scripting as a glamorous and creative endeavor. With its intuitive interface, versatile customization options, and focus on readability and usability, Gum enables developers to elevate their shell scripts to new heights of sophistication and elegance. Whether used for system administration, automation, or interactive command-line tools, Gum helps developers create shell scripts that are both functional and visually stunning.

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