grumphp Command Examples

GrumPHP is a versatile PHP Composer plugin designed to facilitate source code quality checks within PHP projects. It acts as a robust and configurable quality assurance tool that automates various code analysis tasks, ensuring adherence to coding standards, detecting potential issues, and maintaining overall code quality. With GrumPHP, developers can streamline their development workflow, identify and address code-related problems early in the development cycle, and uphold consistent coding practices across their projects.

Key features and functionalities of GrumPHP include:

  • Integration with Composer: GrumPHP seamlessly integrates with Composer, the popular dependency management tool for PHP projects. By adding GrumPHP as a Composer plugin, developers can incorporate code quality checks directly into their project’s build process, enabling automatic execution of quality assurance tasks during development.
  • Code Quality Checks: GrumPHP offers a comprehensive suite of code quality checks and static analysis tools, including coding standard enforcement, syntax validation, code formatting, and more. It leverages popular PHP coding standards such as PSR-1, PSR-2, and PSR-12, allowing developers to enforce consistent coding styles and best practices across their codebase.
  • Customizable Configuration: GrumPHP provides extensive configuration options, allowing developers to tailor the behavior of code quality checks according to their project’s requirements. Users can define custom rules, exclude specific files or directories from analysis, configure coding standards, and adjust thresholds for quality metrics.
  • Pre-Commit Hooks: One of the standout features of GrumPHP is its support for pre-commit hooks, which are triggered automatically before committing changes to version control. These hooks execute code quality checks on staged changes, preventing developers from committing code that fails to meet specified quality criteria, thus maintaining a high level of code quality throughout the project.
  • Feedback and Notifications: GrumPHP provides immediate feedback to developers during the development process, informing them of any detected issues or violations of coding standards. It generates clear and concise error messages, highlighting the location and nature of detected problems, and prompts developers to address them before proceeding further.
  • Extensibility and Community Support: GrumPHP is extensible, allowing developers to integrate additional code analysis tools, custom scripts, or third-party plugins to extend its functionality further. Moreover, it benefits from an active and supportive community, with regular updates, contributions, and improvements being made to the project over time.

grumphp Command Examples

1. Register the Git hooks:

# grumphp git:init

2. Trigger the pre-commit hook manually:

# grumphp git:pre-commit

3. Check every versioned file:

# grumphp run


Overall, GrumPHP serves as a valuable tool for PHP developers seeking to enhance code quality, enforce coding standards, and streamline their development workflows. By automating code quality checks and providing real-time feedback, GrumPHP empowers developers to write cleaner, more maintainable code and deliver higher-quality software products with confidence.

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