gosource Command Examples

Gource is a software tool that visually represents the activity within a version control system like Git, SVN, Mercurial, or Bazaar. It creates an animated tree diagram that illustrates the evolution of files and directories in the repository over time. This visualization shows when files are created, modified, or removed, providing a dynamic and intuitive way to understand the development history of a project.

When you run Gource on a repository, it generates a mesmerizing animation where each file and directory is represented by a node, and their interactions are displayed as lines connecting them. As time progresses, you can see these nodes and lines morph and move, reflecting the changes made by developers.

This visualization can be helpful for understanding the patterns of collaboration, the pace of development, and the areas of focus within a project. It’s often used in presentations, demonstrations, or simply as a captivating way to explore the history of a codebase.

gosource Command Examples

1. Run gource in a directory (if it isn’t the repository’s root directory, the root is sought up from there):

# gource [path/to/repository]

2. Run gource in the current directory, with a custom output resolution:

# gource -[width]x[height]

3. Set a custom timescale for the animation:

# gource -c [time_scale_multiplier]

4. Set how long each day should be in the animation (this combines with -c, if provided):

# gource -s [seconds]

5. Set fullscreen mode and a custom background color:

# gource -f -b [hex_color_code]

6. Set a title for the animation:

# gource --title [title]
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