goreload Command Examples

“goreload” is an open-source live reload utility specifically designed for Go programs. It aims to enhance the development workflow by automatically detecting code changes and reloading the Go program in real-time, eliminating the need for manual recompilation and restarts.

The main purpose of “goreload” is to provide a seamless and efficient development experience for Go programmers. It monitors the source code files of a Go program and detects any modifications made to them. Once a change is detected, “goreload” triggers an automatic recompilation and restarts the Go program, allowing developers to instantly see the updates without the need to manually compile and run the program again.

The “goreload” utility is highly versatile and can be used with a wide range of Go applications, including web servers, command-line tools, and more. It integrates well with various Go frameworks and libraries, allowing developers to utilize live reloading capabilities in their specific projects.

Among its features, “goreload” supports customizable configuration options to exclude certain directories or files from being monitored, enabling fine-grained control over the live reloading process. It provides an easy-to-use command-line interface and seamless integration into existing Go build scripts or development environments.

Furthermore, “goreload” supports hot-reloading of templates and static assets, further enhancing the development experience when working on web applications or projects with continuous user interface updates.

“goreload” is hosted on GitHub, and its repository (https://github.com/acoshift/goreload) provides comprehensive documentation, installation instructions, and examples for getting started with the utility. The documentation includes information on configuration options, working with frameworks, and troubleshooting common issues.

goreload Command Examples

1, Set the name of the binary file to watch (defaults to .goreload):

# goreload -b [path/to/binary] [path/to/file].go

2. Set a custom log prefix (defaults to goreload):

# goreload --logPrefix [prefix] [path/to/file].go

3. Reload whenever any file changes:

# goreload --all


“goreload” is an open-source live reload utility for Go programs. It automatically detects code changes, triggers recompilation, and restarts the program in real-time. This eliminates the need for manual recompilation and restarts during development. “goreload” is versatile, compatible with various Go applications, and integrates well with frameworks and libraries. It supports configuration options, excluding directories, and handles hot-reloading of templates and static assets. The GitHub repository provides detailed documentation and examples. Overall, “goreload” enhances the development workflow by simplifying the process of seeing code updates instantly.

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