gocryptfs Command Examples

“gocryptfs” is an open-source encrypted overlay filesystem implemented in the Go programming language. It allows you to securely store and access files by encrypting them on-the-fly. This means that your data is encrypted and decrypted transparently as it is read from or written to the filesystem.

The main purpose of “gocryptfs” is to provide an easy-to-use and secure way to protect sensitive data on disk. It creates a virtual encrypted filesystem that can be mounted on your operating system, acting as a layer between your applications and the actual storage. It is designed to be compatible with the standard file system tools, allowing you to work with your encrypted files just like any other regular files.

“gocryptfs” uses strong encryption algorithms such as AES-256 in the Counter mode (CTR) to encrypt the data. It generates a unique encryption key for each file and encrypts file contents individually. Additionally, it ensures that file metadata and directory structure are also encrypted for enhanced security.

One of the key advantages of “gocryptfs” is its simplicity and easy integration into existing workflows. It provides a command-line interface and allows you to create encrypted filesystems with a password-based encryption key. It also supports the use of key files and advanced features such as filesystem header backups, reverse mode, and file name encryption.

The official “gocryptfs” repository on GitHub provides comprehensive documentation on installation, configuration, and usage instructions. It also includes information on advanced topics like benchmarking, performance optimization, and compatibility with different operating systems and encryption tools.

Please note that, as with any encryption software, proper key management and password security practices are crucial to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of your encrypted data.

gocryptfs Command Examples

1. Initialize an encrypted filesystem:

# gocryptfs -init [path/to/cipher_dir]

2. Mount an encrypted filesystem:

# gocryptfs [path/to/cipher_dir] [path/to/mount_point]

3. Mount with the explicit master key instead of password:

# gocryptfs --masterkey [path/to/cipher_dir] [path/to/mount_point]

4. Change the password:

# gocryptfs --passwd [path/to/cipher_dir]

5. Make an encrypted snapshot of a plain directory:

# gocryptfs --reverse [path/to/plain_dir] [path/to/cipher_dir]


“gocryptfs” is an open-source encrypted overlay filesystem written in Go. It provides secure storage and access for files by encrypting them on-the-fly. It creates a virtual encrypted filesystem that can be mounted on your operating system, allowing you to work with encrypted files just like regular files. It uses AES-256 encryption and supports password-based or key file-based encryption keys. “gocryptfs” is designed for simplicity, compatibility with standard tools, and offers advanced features like filesystem header backups and file name encryption. The official GitHub repository provides detailed documentation and instructions for installation and usage. Proper key management and password security practices are important for data integrity and confidentiality.

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