“go env” Command Examples

The go env command in the Go programming language is a tool for managing environment variables related to the Go toolchain. It is part of the Go command-line interface and provides information about the Go environment, such as paths, build configuration, and other settings. Below is a more detailed explanation of the go env command:

Command Syntax:

# go env [command] [variable]

The go env command can be used to retrieve information about the Go environment. By default, it prints the values of all Go environment variables. Users can also specify a particular variable to obtain its value.


go env supports subcommands for specific actions. The most commonly used subcommands are:

  • go env -w – This subcommand allows users to set a value for a specific environment variable.
  • go env -u – This subcommand allows users to unset (delete) a specific environment variable.

“go env” Command Examples

1. Show all environment variables:

# go env

2. Show a specific environment variable:

# go env GOPATH

3. Set an environment variable to a value:

# go env -w GOBIN=/path/to/directory

4. Reset an environment variable’s value:

# go env -u GOBIN


The go env command is a versatile tool that aids developers in managing and configuring the Go toolchain environment. It is particularly useful for inspecting and modifying environment variables, allowing users to tailor the behavior of the Go toolchain to their specific needs.

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