go Command Examples

The “go” command is a powerful tool in Go used for managing Go source code. It serves as a Swiss Army knife for various tasks involved in Go development. The “go” command has several subcommands, each serving a specific purpose, such as building, testing, formatting, and more.

For example, “go build” is used to compile Go source code and generate executable binaries or libraries. “go test” is used for running tests on Go packages. “go fmt” is used to format Go source code according to the Go coding style guidelines.

The “go” command also handles module management and dependency resolution. It has commands like “go mod init” for initializing a new module, “go mod tidy” for cleaning up unused dependencies, and “go mod vendor” for copying dependencies to a vendor directory.

Further subcommands of “go” are available, like “go get” for fetching remote packages, “go run” for compiling and running Go programs in a single command, and “go doc” for generating documentation for Go code.

The official Go website provides comprehensive documentation for each subcommand, along with examples and usage details. This documentation covers a wide range of topics and is an invaluable resource for Go developers.

Overall, the “go” command is an essential tool for managing Go source code, building, testing, formatting, and handling dependencies. It streamlines the development workflow and provides a consistent and efficient way to work with Go projects.

go Command Examples

1. Download and install a package, specified by its import path:

# go get [package_path]

2. Compile and run a source file (it has to contain a main package):

# go run [file].go

3. Compile a source file into a named executable:

# go build -o [executable] [file].go

4. Compile the package present in the current directory:

# go build

5. Execute all test cases of the current package (files have to end with _test.go):

# go test

6. Compile and install the current package:

# go install

7. Initialize a new module in the current directory:

# go mod init [module_name]


The “go” command in Go is a versatile tool for managing Go source code. It offers various subcommands for tasks like building, testing, formatting, and more. It handles module management, dependency resolution, and provides commands for fetching remote packages, running Go programs, and generating documentation. The official Go website provides comprehensive documentation for each subcommand. Overall, the “go” command is a crucial tool for streamlining Go development workflows and managing projects efficiently.

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