gnomon Command Examples

Gnomon is a utility designed to enhance console logging by annotating log statements with timestamps, providing a more informative and structured view of console output. Additionally, it includes features for identifying and highlighting slow processes, aiding in the analysis of performance issues. The utility is particularly useful for developers, system administrators, and anyone working in a command-line environment who needs to monitor and analyze real-time logs and performance metrics.

Key Features:

Timestamp Annotation: The primary function of Gnomon is to add timestamps to console logs. This is especially beneficial when dealing with large volumes of logs, as it allows users to easily identify when each log statement occurred. Timestamps are displayed in a human-readable format, making it convenient for tracking the timing of events or troubleshooting.

Colorization: Gnomon colorizes timestamps, making them visually distinct from the rest of the log statement. This aids in quickly locating and interpreting timestamps within the console output, providing a more user-friendly experience.

Elapsed Time Display: In addition to timestamps, Gnomon calculates and displays the elapsed time between consecutive log statements. This feature is particularly helpful for identifying the duration of processes or actions, assisting in the analysis of performance bottlenecks or slow operations.

Highlighting Slow Processes: Gnomon can highlight log statements that exceed a specified threshold in terms of elapsed time. This functionality is valuable for quickly identifying processes or operations that are taking longer than expected, allowing users to focus on potential performance issues.

gnomon Command Examples

1. Use UNIX (or DOS) pipes to pipe the stdout of any command through gnomon:

# npm test | gnomon

2. Show number of seconds since the start of the process:

# npm test | gnomon --type=elapsed-total

3. Show an absolute timestamp in UTC:

# npm test | gnomon --type=absolute

4. Set a high threshold of 0.5 seconds for the elapsed time; exceeding which the timestamp will be colored bright red:

# npm test | gnomon --high 0.5

5. Set a medium threshold of 0.2 seconds (Timestamp will be colored bright yellow):

# npm test | gnomon --medium 0.2


In summary, Gnomon is a valuable tool for those working in a command-line environment, offering features that enhance the interpretation of console logs and aid in the identification of slow processes. Its capabilities make it particularly useful for developers, system administrators, and anyone involved in troubleshooting and monitoring activities within a terminal interface.

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