gnome-calculator: command not found

gnome-calculator is the official calculator application for the GNOME desktop environment. It is a graphical calculator that provides a simple and user-friendly interface for performing mathematical calculations. It can be used for basic arithmetic, as well as more advanced calculations involving trigonometry, logarithms and other mathematical functions. The interface of gnome-calculator is divided into two main parts: the keypad and the display. The keypad includes buttons for numbers, mathematical operators, and functions. The display shows the current calculation and the result. The user can enter calculations using the keypad and the calculator will display the result in real-time.

gnome-calculator supports basic and advanced mathematical functions, including trigonometric, logarithmic, and other functions. It also supports the use of parenthesis, which allows the user to control the order of operations. It also supports the use of a history, which allows the user to recall previous calculations.

It also has a programming mode, which allows the user to perform calculations in different bases, such as binary, octal, and hexadecimal. It also supports the use of constants, such as pi and e, and allows you to use scientific notation. gnome-calculator is available on most Linux distributions, and can be easily installed from the package manager. It is also a part of the default installation of many popular Linux distros that use GNOME as the default desktop environment.

If you encounter the below error while running the command gnome-calculator:

gnome-calculator: command not found

you may try installing the below package as per your choice of distribution:

Distribution Command
Debian apt-get install gnome-calculator
Ubuntu apt-get install gnome-calculator
Arch Linux pacman -S gnome-calculator
Kali Linux apt-get install gnome-calculator
CentOS yum install gnome-calculator
Fedora dnf install gnome-calculator
Raspbian apt-get install gnome-calculator

gnome-calculator Command Examples

1. Launch the GNOME Calculator GUI:

# gnome-calculator

2. Solve the specified equation on the command-line without launching the desktop application:

# gnome-calculator --solve 2^5 * 2 + 5

3. Display the version:

# gnome-calculator --version
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