“glab alias” Command Examples

The glab alias command is a powerful feature within the GLab toolset that enables users to create, modify, list, and delete custom aliases for GitLab-related CLI commands. Aliases, in this context, are user-defined shortcuts or abbreviations that simplify the execution of complex GitLab operations. By defining these aliases, users can streamline their workflow, reduce the need to memorize lengthy commands, and increase overall productivity.

Key Features and Benefits

Here are some key features and benefits of using glab alias:

  • Customization: With glab alias, users have complete control over their GitLab CLI experience. They can create aliases for commonly used GitLab commands, tailoring them to suit their specific needs and preferences.
  • Time Efficiency: Aliases significantly reduce the time and effort required to perform GitLab tasks. Instead of typing out long commands repeatedly, users can execute them with a short and memorable alias.
  • Error Reduction: The potential for human error is minimized when using aliases. Since they are preconfigured and tested, there’s less room for mistakes in command execution.
  • Consistency: Aliases promote consistency in the way GitLab commands are executed across teams or individual workflows. This ensures that tasks are carried out uniformly and according to established standards.

Practical Use Cases

To better understand the utility of glab alias, let’s explore some practical use cases where it can make a significant difference:

1. Project Management
Imagine you work on multiple GitLab projects and frequently need to list the projects you have access to. Instead of typing the full command every time:

# glab project list

You can create a custom alias like this:

# glab alias set projects "project list"

Now, you can simply execute:

# glab projects

2. Merge Request Handling
Handling merge requests is a common task in GitLab. By creating aliases for tasks like creating, listing, and accepting merge requests, you can simplify the process:

# glab alias set newmr "mr create"
# glab alias set listmr "mr list"
# glab alias set acceptmr "mr accept"

Now, you can use these aliases to perform actions quickly and consistently:

# glab newmr "FeatureBranch" "TargetBranch" "Merge Request Title"
# glab listmr
# glab acceptmr 123

3. Workflow Automation
For more advanced users, glab alias can be used to create complex aliases that chain together multiple GitLab commands. This is particularly useful for automating repetitive workflows:

# glab alias set deploy "pipeline create -b main && pipeline wait -b main"

With this alias, deploying a new version of your application can be as simple as:

# glab deploy

“glab alias” Command Examples

1. Display the subcommand help:

# glab alias

2. List all the aliases glab is configured to use:

# glab alias list

3. Create a glab subcommand alias:

# glab alias set mrv 'mr view'

4. Set a shell command as a glab subcommand:

# glab alias set --shell alias_name command

5. Delete a command shortcut:

# glab alias delete alias_name


In conclusion, glab alias is a versatile tool within the GLab ecosystem that enhances the GitLab CLI experience by allowing users to create and manage custom aliases. These aliases offer a range of benefits, from saving time and reducing errors to promoting consistency and streamlining workflows. By harnessing the power of glab alias, users can optimize their GitLab interactions and become more efficient software developers and collaborators. For more detailed information on glab alias, you can refer to the official documentation here.

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