gitlab-runner Command Examples

gitlab-runner is a command-line interface (CLI) tool used for managing GitLab Runners. GitLab Runners are components that execute CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) jobs defined in GitLab CI/CD pipelines. These runners can be hosted on various platforms and are responsible for executing the build, test, and deployment tasks defined in your CI/CD pipeline configurations. Here’s an elaboration of what you can do with gitlab-runner:

  • Runner Registration: You can use gitlab-runner to register a new runner with your GitLab instance. This process involves providing necessary registration tokens and configuration information, such as the runner’s name, tags, and executor (e.g., Docker, shell, Kubernetes).
  • Runner Configuration: GitLab Runners can be configured using the gitlab-runner tool. You can adjust various settings, including the runner’s concurrency (the number of parallel jobs it can handle), Docker image selection, and custom environment variables.
  • Runner Execution: gitlab-runner can start and manage runner instances, ensuring they are available to pick up and execute CI/CD jobs as defined in GitLab CI/CD pipelines. Runners can be run in various modes, including the run mode to execute jobs and the listen mode to accept job requests from GitLab.
  • Runner Tags: Runners can be tagged with labels that help define which jobs they are eligible to run. You can specify tags when registering a runner and use them to control job placement based on specific requirements or capabilities.
  • Runner Deployment: gitlab-runner provides commands to deploy runners on different platforms and environments. This includes setting up runners on your own infrastructure, in the cloud, or within container orchestration systems like Kubernetes.
  • Runner Lifecycle Management: You can use gitlab-runner to start, stop, pause, and remove runner instances as needed. This allows you to control the availability and resources allocated to your CI/CD pipeline execution.
  • Runner Registration Tokens: GitLab provides unique registration tokens for each project and group, which are used to associate runners with specific projects or groups. gitlab-runner allows you to easily register runners by providing the appropriate registration token.
  • Security and Isolation: gitlab-runner offers security features to isolate CI/CD jobs from each other and from the runner host system. For example, Docker-based runners can use Docker containers to isolate job execution environments.
  • Debugging and Logging: You can use gitlab-runner to troubleshoot and debug CI/CD job execution. It provides logging and debugging options that help diagnose issues and view job output.
  • Integration with GitLab CI/CD: gitlab-runner is tightly integrated with GitLab CI/CD pipelines. It retrieves job details from GitLab, executes them according to the defined pipeline stages, and reports job status and artifacts back to GitLab.
  • Version and Self-Updates: gitlab-runner can check for updates and perform self-updates to ensure you are using the latest version with bug fixes and new features.
  • Custom Executors: You can configure gitlab-runner with custom executors to meet specific job execution requirements, such as using virtual machines, cloud services, or other custom environments.

gitlab-runner Command Examples

1. Register a runner:

$ sudo gitlab-runner register --url --registration-token token --name name

2. Register a runner with a Docker executor:

$ sudo gitlab-runner register --url --registration-token token --name name --executor docker

3. Unregister a runner:

$ sudo gitlab-runner unregister --name name

4. Display the status of the runner service:

$ sudo gitlab-runner status

5. Restart the runner service:

$ sudo gitlab-runner restart

6. Check if the registered runners can connect to GitLab:

$ sudo gitlab-runner verify


In summary, gitlab-runner is a crucial tool for managing the execution of CI/CD jobs in GitLab. It simplifies the registration, configuration, deployment, and management of GitLab Runners, allowing you to efficiently automate and orchestrate your software development and deployment processes. For detailed information on using gitlab-runner and its capabilities, you can refer to the GitLab Runner documentation at

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