“github-label-sync” Command Examples

github-label-sync is a command-line tool designed to simplify and streamline the process of managing and synchronizing labels across multiple repositories in GitHub. This tool is particularly useful for individuals or organizations that maintain multiple GitHub repositories and want to ensure consistency in labeling, which helps improve project organization and workflow. Below, I’ll elaborate more on what github-label-sync does and how it can benefit your GitHub projects:

Synchronizing Labels: The core functionality of github-label-sync is to synchronize labels across one or more GitHub repositories. Labels in GitHub are used to categorize and organize issues and pull requests. With this tool, you can ensure that the same set of labels exists in multiple repositories, helping maintain consistency in your projects.

Command-Line Interface (CLI): github-label-sync operates through a command-line interface, making it scriptable and suitable for integration into automation workflows and scripts. This allows you to schedule label synchronization tasks or include them in your CI/CD pipelines.

Cross-Repository Label Management: You can use github-label-sync to apply label synchronization across multiple repositories at once. This is especially valuable for organizations that have a suite of related projects with similar labeling requirements.

Preserving Label Metadata: When synchronizing labels, github-label-sync preserves metadata associated with labels, such as their color, description, and whether they’re marked as a default label. This ensures that labels retain their intended meaning and appearance in all synchronized repositories.

Backup and Restore: The tool can also be used to create backups of labels from one or more repositories and restore them as needed. This helps you recover label configurations in case they are accidentally deleted or altered.

Version Control: By managing labels in version-controlled configuration files, you can track changes to labels over time, making it easier to audit and understand how labels have evolved across your repositories.

Open Source and Community-Driven: github-label-sync is an open-source project with contributions from the GitHub community. You can leverage and extend its functionality to meet your specific needs or contribute to its development.

GitHub Integration: As a tool designed specifically for GitHub, github-label-sync leverages GitHub’s API to interact with your repositories securely and efficiently.

Label Management Best Practices: Consistent labeling is a best practice for effective issue and pull request management in GitHub. By ensuring that labels are uniform across your projects, you can improve project organization, communication, and issue tracking.

“github-label-sync” Command Examples

1. Synchronize labels using a local labels.json file:

# github-label-sync --access-token token repository_name

2. Synchronize labels using a specific labels JSON file:

# github-label-sync --access-token token --labels [url|path/to/json_file] repository_name

3. Perform a dry run instead of actually synchronizing labels:

# github-label-sync --access-token token --dry-run repository_name

4. Keep labels that aren’t in labels.json:

# github-label-sync --access-token token --allow-added-labels repository_name

5. Synchronize using the GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable:

# github-label-sync repository_name


In summary, github-label-sync is a powerful tool for managing and synchronizing labels across multiple GitHub repositories. It helps maintain consistency in labeling, streamlines project organization, and can be integrated into your development and automation workflows. Whether you have a single repository or a suite of related projects, github-label-sync can save you time and effort in label management. For more information and detailed usage instructions, you can visit the official github-label-sync GitHub repository at https://github.com/Financial-Times/github-label-sync.

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