“git rev-list” Command Examples

The git rev-list command in Git is a versatile tool used to list revisions, typically commits, in reverse chronological order. It’s a fundamental command that allows you to explore and analyze the history of a Git repository. Here’s a deeper dive into its functionality:

1. Listing Commits in Reverse Chronological Order: The primary purpose of git rev-list is to list commits in the order they were created, starting from the most recent commit and going backwards in time. This command is often used in combination with other commands to understand the history of a repository.

2. Output Formats: By default, git rev-list outputs the commit hashes of the listed revisions. However, you can control the format of the output using various options, such as:

  • –abbrev-commit: Show abbreviated commit hashes.
  • –pretty=format:[format]: Define a custom output format using placeholders.

3. Range of Commits: You can specify a range of commits to be listed using the .. syntax. For example, to list commits between two specific commit hashes:

# git rev-list [commit-hash1]...[commit-hash2]

4. Branch and Tag References: Instead of specifying commit hashes, you can also use branch names, tag names, or other references. git rev-list will then list the commits reachable from those references.

5. Output Revisions Matching a Pattern: With the –grep option, you can list only the revisions whose commit messages match a specific pattern.

6. Filtering by Time and Author: The –since and –until options allow you to specify a time range, and the –author option lets you filter revisions by a specific author.

7. Understanding Repository History: git rev-list is commonly used with other commands, such as git log, to analyze and understand the history of a repository. By piping the output to git log, you can see detailed information about each commit.

8. Performance and Optimizations: The git rev-list command is designed for performance, making it suitable for exploring large repositories or conducting advanced analyses.

9. Commit Walks and Data Mining: Advanced users can leverage git rev-list for various data mining tasks, like finding patterns in the commit history, extracting statistics, or identifying certain types of changes.

10. Building Scripts and Automation: Because git rev-list produces structured output, you can use it in scripts or automation to process commit data programmatically.

“git rev-list” Command Examples

1. List all commits on the current branch:

# git rev-list HEAD

2. Print the latest commit that changed (add/edit/remove) a specific file on the current branch:

# git rev-list -n 1 HEAD -- path/to/file

3. List commits more recent than a specific date, on a specific branch:

# git rev-list --since='2019-12-01 00:00:00' branch_name

4. List all merge commits on a specific commit:

# git rev-list --merges commit

5. Print the number of commits since a specific tag:

# git rev-list tag_name..HEAD --count


In summary, git rev-list is a powerful command for navigating, analyzing, and scripting interactions with a Git repository’s history. It’s a key tool for understanding the sequence of commits, analyzing patterns, and extracting meaningful information from a repository’s past.

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