“git reset” Command Examples

The git reset command in Git serves multiple purposes, allowing you to adjust the state of your repository and working directory in different ways. It operates based on the arguments provided:

  • Resetting Commits: git reset can be used to undo commits by moving the branch pointer to a specific commit, effectively altering the branch’s history. This can be useful when you want to rewrite the commit history or remove certain commits from the branch’s timeline.
  • Unstaging Changes: With git reset, you can unstage changes that were added to the staging area but shouldn’t be included in the next commit. This action brings the changes back to the working directory without affecting the commit history.
  • Mixed Reset (Uncommitting Changes): Using the –mixed option (which is the default behavior), git reset lets you uncommit the most recent commit while retaining the changes in your working directory. This can be useful when you want to modify the latest commit before recommitting.
  • Soft Reset (Keeping Changes in Staging): A –soft reset preserves the changes both in the commit history and the staging area. It moves the branch pointer to the specified commit, allowing you to make further changes or recommit without losing your work.
  • Hard Reset (Discarding Changes): A –hard reset moves the branch pointer while also updating your working directory and staging area to match the specified commit. It effectively discards any changes made after the specified commit.
  • Using Branches, Tags, or Commit Hashes: The git reset command can accept different arguments, such as branch names, tag names, or commit hashes. Depending on the context, it will reset the specified reference (such as a branch or tag) to the target state, altering the branch’s history or adjusting the staging area.

Keep in mind that git reset has a significant impact on the repository’s history and content. It’s important to understand the behavior of the command and its various options before using it, as it can affect your work, collaboration, and repository’s integrity. Always exercise caution and make backups or copies of important data before performing operations that rewrite or discard history.

git reset Command Examples

1. Unstage everything:

# git reset

2. Unstage specific file(s):

# git reset path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...

3. Interactively unstage portions of a file:

# git reset --patch path/to/file

4. Undo the last commit, keeping its changes (and any further uncommitted changes) in the filesystem:

# git reset HEAD~

5. Undo the last two commits, adding their changes to the index, i.e. staged for commit:

# git reset --soft HEAD~2

6. Discard any uncommitted changes, staged or not (for only unstaged changes, use git checkout):

# git reset --hard

7. Reset the repository to a given commit, discarding committed, staged and uncommitted changes since then:

# git reset --hard commit
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