“git reflog” Command Examples

The git reflog command is a powerful tool that helps you track and understand changes to your local references, such as branches, tags, and even the HEAD pointer. It’s especially useful when you need to recover lost commits, branches, or changes that were seemingly removed or lost.

Here’s a more detailed explanation of what git reflog does:

  • Recording Changes: Git keeps track of all changes to references, like when you create, delete, merge, rebase, or otherwise modify branches or move the HEAD pointer. Every time a reference is updated, Git records that change in the reference log.
  • Reference History: The git reflog command displays a chronological list of reference changes. This history shows you how references like branches and HEAD have moved over time. It can help you understand what actions were taken, which commits were involved, and when these changes occurred.
  • Lost Changes and Undo Operations: Let’s say you accidentally deleted a branch or performed an operation that seemingly lost some commits. The reflog acts as a safety net. It retains references to commits even after they’re no longer part of any branch. With git reflog, you can identify and recover these “lost” commits.
  • Recovery and Troubleshooting: The reflog is particularly valuable when troubleshooting issues. It can help you determine when you made certain changes, switch back to a previous state, or identify when unexpected behavior occurred.

Here’s an example of how you might use git reflog:

Suppose you accidentally deleted a branch called my-feature:

$ git branch -d my-feature

You realize you’ve made a mistake and want to recover the branch. You can use git reflog to find the commit hash where the branch was before it was deleted:

$ git reflog

The output might look something like:

f75a7a2 (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{0}: commit: Fix bug in feature A
c0f6b1e HEAD@{1}: checkout: moving from my-feature to master
d9c2b12 HEAD@{2}: commit: Implement feature A
a6e3b45 HEAD@{3}: checkout: moving from master to my-feature

You can see that the branch was at commit a6e3b45 before it was deleted. Now, you can recreate the branch using this commit hash:

$ git checkout -b my-feature a6e3b45

By using git reflog, you’ve been able to recover a branch that you thought was lost. This is just one example of how git reflog can be incredibly helpful in managing and troubleshooting your Git history. It’s important to note that the reflog is a local record, so it won’t help with recovering changes on remote repositories.

git reflog Command Examples

1. Show the reflog for HEAD:

# git reflog

2. Show the reflog for a given branch:

# git reflog branch_name

3. Show only the 5 latest entries in the reflog:

# git reflog -n 5
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