git info: Display Git repository information

The “git info” command is part of the “git-extras” package and is used to display information about a Git repository. It provides a concise summary of various details related to the repository, giving you quick insights into its current state.

Here’s an overview of what “git info” can provide:

  • Repository Information: “git info” displays the name and path of the current repository. It helps you identify the repository you are working with.
  • Branch Information: It shows the currently checked out branch, along with the number of commits ahead or behind the remote branch. This information helps you understand the status of your local branch relative to the remote repository.
  • Commit Information: “git info” provides details about the most recent commit, such as the commit hash, author name, email, and date. This allows you to quickly identify the latest changes made to the repository.
  • Remote Information: It displays the name and URL of the remote repository associated with the current branch. This information is helpful when collaborating with others and fetching/pushing changes.
  • Stash Information: If there are any stashed changes in the repository, “git info” shows the number of stashed entries. Stashing allows you to temporarily save changes that are not ready to be committed.
  • Untracked Files: It provides the count of untracked files in the repository. Untracked files are those that exist in your working directory but have not been added to the Git index.
  • Status Summary: “git info” gives a summary of the overall status of the repository. It shows the number of modified, added, deleted, and renamed files, making it easy to get an overview of the changes in progress.

The “git info” command is a convenient tool for quickly accessing relevant information about a Git repository. It provides a snapshot of key details that can assist in understanding the repository’s state and the changes that have been made. By using “git info,” you can gain insights into the current branch, commit history, remote configuration, and other essential aspects of your Git repository.

git info Command Examples

1. Display remote locations, remote and local branches, most recent commit data and .git/config settings:

# git info

2. Display remote locations, remote and local branches and most recent commit data:

# git info --no-config
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