“git ignore” Command Examples

The “git ignore” command is a part of the git-extras package and provides functionality related to .gitignore files in Git repositories. It allows you to show and update .gitignore files easily. The .gitignore file is used in Git to specify files and directories that should be ignored and not tracked by Git.

With the “git ignore” command, you can perform the following actions:

  • Show .gitignore Files: You can use the “git ignore” command to display the contents of the .gitignore file in your repository. This can be helpful to review the currently ignored files and directories.
  • Update .gitignore Files: The “git ignore” command also allows you to update the .gitignore file by adding or removing entries. You can specify files or directories that should be ignored using patterns and rules defined in the .gitignore syntax. This helps you manage the list of ignored files and directories as per your project requirements.

The “git ignore” command is a convenient way to interact with .gitignore files without having to manually open and modify them. It provides a streamlined workflow for viewing and updating the ignored files and directories within your Git repository.

It’s worth noting that the “git ignore” command is part of the git-extras package, which is an open-source collection of additional Git commands and utilities. To use the “git ignore” command, you need to have git-extras installed on your system.

In addition, the documentation suggests using the “git ignore-io” command, which is also part of git-extras, to generate .gitignore files from predefined templates. The “git ignore-io” command leverages an online database of templates to generate .gitignore files based on specific programming languages, frameworks, or tools. By combining the “git ignore” and “git ignore-io” commands, you can easily manage your .gitignore files and ensure that they are up-to-date with the appropriate rules for your project.

git ignore Command Examples

1. Show the content of all global and local .gitignore files:

# git ignore

2. Ignore file(s) privately, updating .git/info/exclude file:

# git ignore file_pattern --private

3. Ignore file(s) locally, updating local .gitignore file:

# git ignore file_pattern

4. Ignore file(s) globally, updating global .gitignore file:

# git ignore file_pattern --global
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