git for-each-repo: Run a Git command on a list of repositories

“git for-each-repo” is a tool that allows you to run a Git command on a list of repositories. It is especially useful when you need to perform the same operation across multiple Git repositories, such as updating, synchronizing, or executing a specific command on each repository in a batch process.

Here’s a brief explanation of how “git for-each-repo” works:

  • List of Repositories: To use “git for-each-repo,” you need to provide a list of repositories on which you want to run the Git command. This list can be specified manually, or you can use wildcards, regular expressions, or file patterns to define a set of repositories.
  • Iterating over Repositories: Once the list of repositories is defined, “git for-each-repo” iterates over each repository in the list and executes the specified Git command within the context of that repository. It automatically switches to the repository’s directory, ensuring that the command is executed in the correct context.
  • Executing Git Command: You can specify any valid Git command as an argument to “git for-each-repo.” This command will be executed for each repository in the list. The command can include Git options, subcommands, or any combination of Git commands that you need to run.
  • Output and Error Handling: As “git for-each-repo” executes the Git command on each repository, it captures the output and error messages generated by each command execution. It can display the output in the terminal or redirect it to a file for further analysis or logging purposes.

By using “git for-each-repo,” you can automate repetitive tasks across multiple Git repositories, saving time and effort. It provides a convenient way to apply changes or execute operations uniformly across a set of repositories, such as updating all repositories to the latest version, synchronizing changes, running tests, or performing other repository-specific tasks.

It’s worth noting that “git for-each-repo” is not a built-in Git command but rather a separate tool or script that you need to install or create yourself. There are various implementations available, each with its own specific syntax and options. You can find existing solutions or create your own custom script using scripting languages like Bash, Python, or Ruby, depending on your platform and preferences.

Before using “git for-each-repo,” ensure that you have a clear understanding of the Git commands you want to execute and the impact they may have on the repositories. It’s recommended to test the command on a subset of repositories or create backups to avoid unintended consequences.

git for-each-repo Command Examples

1. Run maintenance on each of a list of repositories stored in the maintenance.repo user configuration variable:

# git for-each-repo --config=maintenance.repo maintenance run

2. Run git pull on each repository listed in a global configuration variable:

# git for-each-repo --config=global_configuration_variable pull
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