“git feature” Command Examples

The “git feature” command is not a built-in Git command but part of the Git Flow workflow, which is a branching model for Git. It provides a set of high-level commands to manage feature branches in a standardized way.

When working with the Git Flow workflow, features are typically developed on separate branches to isolate the development of specific functionalities or features. The “git feature” command provides a convenient way to create and merge feature branches following a specific naming convention.

The “git feature” command supports two main operations: creating a new feature branch and merging a feature branch into the main development branch (often called the “develop” branch). Here’s how each operation works:

1. Creating a feature branch:
When you want to start working on a new feature, you can use the “git feature start” command followed by the desired feature name. The feature name is typically prefixed with “feature/” to indicate that it is a feature branch. For example:

# git feature start feature/my-feature

This command creates a new branch named “feature/my-feature” based on the current branch (usually the “develop” branch). It sets up the branch for you to start working on the new feature.

2. Merging a feature branch:
Once you have completed the development of a feature and want to integrate it back into the main development branch, you can use the “git feature finish” command followed by the feature name. For example:

# git feature finish feature/my-feature

This command performs several actions. It first merges the feature branch into the “develop” branch, incorporating the changes made in the feature. It then deletes the feature branch since it is no longer needed. Finally, it switches back to the “develop” branch.

The “git feature” command simplifies the process of creating and merging feature branches by providing a standardized naming convention and automated branch operations. This can help streamline the development workflow, especially in collaborative projects where multiple features are being worked on simultaneously.

It’s important to note that the “git feature” command is not included in the core Git distribution. Instead, it is part of the Git Flow extension, which you need to install separately. You can find more information about Git Flow and the “git feature” command in the official Git Flow documentation or the project’s repository.

git feature Command Examples

1. Create and switch to a new feature branch:

# git feature feature_branch

2. Merge a feature branch into the current branch creating a merge commit:

# git feature finish feature_branch

3. Merge a feature branch into the current branch squashing the changes into one commit:

# git feature finish --squash feature_branch

4. Send changes from a specific feature branch to its remote counterpart:

# git feature feature_branch --remote remote_name
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