“git extras” Command Examples

“git extras” is a Git extension pack that provides a collection of useful additional commands and functionalities to enhance your Git workflow. It is designed to supplement the core Git commands with a set of convenient and productivity-enhancing features.

When you install and use “git extras,” you gain access to a wide range of commands that can simplify common Git tasks and provide additional insights into your repository. These commands are designed to be intuitive and easy to use, making them accessible to both novice and experienced Git users.

Some of the features and commands provided by “git extras” include:

  • Additional Git commands: “git extras” adds a variety of new commands to your Git toolset, expanding your options beyond the basic set of Git commands. These commands are designed to streamline specific tasks, such as creating branches, deleting branches, generating changelogs, and more.
  • Convenience commands: “git extras” includes commands that simplify common Git operations. For example, it provides commands to automatically fetch and prune remote branches, show unpushed commits, show untracked files, and perform interactive rebasing.
  • Information and statistics: “git extras” offers commands to provide additional information and statistics about your repository. This includes commands to show commit counts, display the most active files, analyze file activity, and view author statistics.
  • Integration with other tools: “git extras” seamlessly integrates with other popular Git tools and extensions. It provides compatibility and enhanced functionality when used in conjunction with tools like Git Flow, Hub, and Git Archive.

By utilizing the features provided by “git extras,” you can streamline your Git workflow, automate repetitive tasks, and gain additional insights into your repository’s activity and history. It offers a convenient and efficient way to extend Git’s capabilities and make your Git experience more productive.

git extras Command Examples

1. Install or upgrade git-extras commands:

# git extras update

2. Display help and subcommands:

# git extras --help

3. Print the version of installed git-extras:

# git extras --version
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