git delete-branch: Delete local and remote Git branches

The “git delete-branch” command is a utility provided by the “git-extras” extension that allows you to delete local and remote Git branches with ease. This command simplifies the process of removing branches from your repository, saving you from having to execute multiple Git commands.

When you run the “git delete-branch” command, you can specify the branch you want to delete. It performs the following actions:

  • Delete Local Branch: The command removes the specified branch from your local repository. This means that the branch will no longer be available on your local machine, and you won’t be able to perform any local operations on that branch.
  • Delete Remote Branch: By default, the command also deletes the corresponding branch on the remote repository. This is particularly useful when you want to remove a branch that has already been pushed to a remote repository, ensuring that the branch is removed from both your local and remote repositories.
  • Checked Out Branch: If you attempt to delete the branch that you currently have checked out (the branch you’re currently working on), the command only deletes the remote branch. This prevents accidental deletion of the branch you’re actively working on, as it would cause disruption to your workflow.

Using the “git delete-branch” command provides a convenient way to manage your branches by quickly removing branches that are no longer needed, both locally and remotely. It simplifies the branch deletion process and helps keep your repository clean and organized.

It’s worth noting that the “git-extras” extension is not a built-in part of Git, but rather a collection of additional commands and features provided by a third-party extension. To use the “git delete-branch” command, you need to install the “git-extras” extension, which can be found and installed from the official “git-extras” repository.

git delete-branch Command Examples

1. Delete a local and remote Git branch:

# git delete-branch branch_name

2. Delete multiple local and remote Git branches:

# git delete-branch branch_name1 branch_name2 ...
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