git bulk: Execute operations on multiple Git repositories

“git bulk” is a command that allows you to perform operations on multiple Git repositories simultaneously. It is part of the “git-extras” extension, which provides additional functionality to Git beyond its core features.

When working with multiple Git repositories, it can be tedious and time-consuming to execute the same command or operation individually on each repository. “git bulk” simplifies this process by enabling you to execute commands in bulk across multiple repositories with a single command.

With “git bulk,” you can perform various operations on multiple repositories, such as fetching updates from remote repositories, pulling changes, pushing commits, creating branches, merging branches, and executing custom Git commands. It provides a convenient way to automate repetitive tasks or perform batch operations on a set of repositories.

The command takes advantage of Git’s ability to work with multiple repositories by allowing you to specify a list of repositories or use patterns to match repositories based on specific criteria, such as repository names or paths. “git bulk” then iterates over the specified repositories, executing the specified command or operation on each one.

By using “git bulk,” you can streamline your workflow and save time when managing multiple Git repositories. It provides a powerful tool for performing consistent operations across repositories, improving efficiency and reducing manual effort.

It’s important to note that “git bulk” is an extension provided by “git-extras” and may not be available by default in your Git installation. You may need to install “git-extras” separately and ensure it is properly configured to use the “git bulk” command.

For more details on how to use “git bulk” effectively, consult the documentation of “git-extras” or refer to relevant resources provided by the “git-extras” project.

git bulk Command Examples

1. Register the current directory as a workspace:

# git bulk --addcurrent workspace_name

2. Register a workspace for bulk operations:

# git bulk --addworkspace workspace_name /absolute/path/to/repository

3. Clone a repository inside a specific directory then register the repository as a workspace:

# git bulk --addworkspace workspace_name /absolute/path/to/parent_directory --from remote_repository_location

4. Clone repositories from a newline-separated list of remote locations then register them as workspaces:

# git bulk --addworkspace workspace-name /absolute/path/to/root/directory --from /absolute/path/to/file

5. List all registered workspaces:

# git bulk --listall

6. Run a Git command on the repositories of the current workspace:

# git bulk command command_arguments

7. Remove a specific workspace:

# git bulk --removeworkspace workspace_name

8. Remove all workspaces:

# git bulk --purge
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