gist: Upload code to

The “gist” command refers to the feature provided by GitHub called Gist. Gist is a service provided by GitHub that allows users to easily share and collaborate on code snippets, text, and other small pieces of information. With the “gist” command, users can upload their code or text to the Gist website ( directly from the command line.

Here’s how the “gist” command works:

  • Uploading Code: By using the “gist” command, users can upload code files or snippets to Gist. This can be done by specifying the file path as an argument to the command. The code will be uploaded to the Gist website and assigned a unique URL.
  • Sharing and Collaboration: Once the code is uploaded, users can share the Gist URL with others, allowing them to view and collaborate on the code. Gist provides a platform for developers to share small code samples, debug snippets, or even entire projects. It’s a convenient way to share code with others without having to create a full repository.
  • Version Control and Forking: Gist supports version control, similar to GitHub repositories. Users can make changes to their Gists over time, and each change is saved as a separate revision. Other users can “fork” a Gist, creating their own copy to modify or extend. This fosters collaboration and allows for multiple people to work on the same code snippet.
  • Gist Description and Comments: When uploading a Gist, users can provide a description to give context or instructions about the code. Additionally, Gist allows users and collaborators to leave comments on the Gist page, enabling discussions and feedback on the code.
  • Gist Embedding: Gist provides an embedding feature that allows users to embed their Gists on websites, blogs, or other platforms. This enables the code to be displayed and executed directly within the context of another web page.

Using the “gist” command-line tool simplifies the process of uploading code snippets or text to Gist, making it easily accessible and shareable. It’s a useful feature for developers who want to quickly share code examples, seek help, or collaborate on small projects. Gist is widely used in the programming community and provides a convenient way to share code snippets with others without the need for a full-fledged repository.

gist Command Examples

1. Log in in gist on this computer:

# gist --login

2. Create a gist from any number of text files:

# gist file.txt file2.txt

3. Create a private gist with a description:

# gist --private --description "A meaningful description" file.txt

4. Read contents from stdin and create a gist from it:

# echo "hello world" | gist

5. List your public and private gists:

# gist --list

6. List all public gists for any user:

# gist --list username

7. Update a gist using the ID from URL:

# gist --update GIST_ID file.txt
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