gh screensaver: Extension for GitHub CLI that runs animated terminal screensavers

The “gh screensaver” is an extension for GitHub CLI (Command-Line Interface) that adds a fun and interactive feature to the command-line environment. This extension allows users to run animated terminal screensavers directly from the command-line interface.

The “gh screensaver” extension enhances the command-line experience by providing visually appealing and entertaining animations that can be enjoyed while working with GitHub CLI. These screensavers are designed to add a touch of creativity and amusement to the command-line environment.

When the “gh screensaver” extension is installed and activated, users can invoke it by running the appropriate command, such as “gh screensaver start” or a similar syntax. This triggers the execution of a screensaver animation, which is displayed within the terminal window.

The screensavers provided by the “gh screensaver” extension can vary in terms of animation style and content. They may include patterns, shapes, colors, or even small interactive elements that respond to user input. These screensavers are typically designed to be visually engaging, creating an enjoyable and relaxing experience for users.

The purpose of the “gh screensaver” extension is to offer a fun and entertaining feature that can be used as a break or a source of inspiration during command-line interactions. It adds a touch of personalization and creativity to the command-line environment, allowing users to customize their experience beyond the standard functionality provided by GitHub CLI.

It’s worth noting that the availability and specific screensavers provided by the “gh screensaver” extension may depend on the version of GitHub CLI and the extensions installed. Users should refer to the official documentation or resources related to the “gh screensaver” extension for more information on installation, usage, and available screensavers.

While the primary purpose of GitHub CLI is to provide a powerful command-line interface for interacting with GitHub repositories and services, the “gh screensaver” extension serves as an optional add-on that brings a lighthearted and visually appealing aspect to the command-line experience.

gh screensaver Command Examples

1. Run a random screensaver:

# gh screensaver

2. Run a specific screensaver:

# gh screensaver --saver [fireworks|marquee|pipes|pollock|starfield]

3. Run the “marquee” screensaver with a specific text and font:

# gh screensaver --saver marquee -- --message="message" --font=font_name

4. Run the “starfield” screensaver with a specific density and speed:

# gh screensaver --saver starfield -- --density 500 --speed 10

5. List available screensavers:

# gh screensaver --list
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