gh release: Manage GitHub releases from the command-line

“gh release” is a command provided by GitHub CLI (Command-Line Interface) that allows users to manage GitHub releases directly from the command-line interface. It provides a convenient and efficient way to create, view, update, and perform various operations related to releases in GitHub repositories.

With the “gh release” command, users can perform the following actions:

  • Create Releases: Users can initiate the process of creating a new release from the command-line interface. They can specify the tag name, target commit or branch, release title, description, and other relevant information required for the release. Users can also attach files, such as binaries or release notes, to the release.
  • View Releases: Users can view detailed information about a specific release by providing its tag name or release ID as an argument. This allows users to access important details such as the release title, description, associated commits, assets, and release date. Users can also view the release notes and changelog to understand the changes included in the release.
  • List Releases: The “gh release” command enables users to list and view multiple releases in a concise format. Users can filter releases based on criteria such as their status (published, draft, pre-release), release author, creation date, and more. This helps in gaining an overview of the releases in a repository and tracking their progress.
  • Update Releases: Users can update various attributes of a release, such as its title, description, target commit or branch, and associated assets, directly from the command-line interface. This allows for quick modifications and adjustments to the release without the need to navigate to the GitHub web interface.
  • Delete Releases: Users can delete a release and all its associated assets using the “gh release delete” command. This provides a way to remove releases that are no longer needed or contain incorrect information.
  • Upload Release Assets: The “gh release upload” command enables users to upload additional assets to an existing release. These assets can include files such as binaries, source code archives, or documentation. This feature allows users to conveniently add or update assets associated with a release.
  • Manage Release Drafts: Users can create release drafts using the “gh release create” command with the –draft flag. Drafts are unpublished releases that can be saved and modified before being officially published. Users can edit, view, and publish draft releases using the “gh release” command.

These are just a few examples of the functionalities provided by the “gh release” command. It offers a comprehensive set of features to manage and interact with releases in GitHub repositories, providing a streamlined workflow for publishing software versions, documenting changes, and distributing assets.

Using “gh release,” users can effectively handle the release process without leaving the command-line environment, enhancing productivity and making it easier to manage software releases. It is important to note that the “gh release” command should be used in accordance with the repository’s release guidelines and best practices to ensure proper version control and reliable software distribution.

gh release Command Examples

1. List releases in a GitHub repository, limited to 30 items:

# gh release list

2. Display information about a specific release:

# gh release view tag

3. Create a new release:

# gh release create tag

4. Delete a specific release:

# gh release delete tag

5. Download assets from a specific release:

# gh release download tag

6. Upload assets to a specific release:

# gh release upload tag /path/to/file1 /path/to/file2
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