gh pr create: Manage GitHub pull requests from the command-line

“gh pr create” is a command provided by GitHub CLI (Command-Line Interface) that allows users to manage GitHub pull requests directly from the command-line interface. It provides a convenient way to create, view, update, and manage pull requests associated with GitHub repositories, streamlining the pull request workflow for developers and project teams.

Using the “gh pr create” command, users can perform various operations related to pull requests, eliminating the need to switch to a web browser or navigate through the GitHub interface. This command provides a comprehensive set of functionalities for creating and managing pull requests, allowing for efficient collaboration and code review processes.

Here are the key features and functionalities of “gh pr create”:

  • Create Pull Requests: Users can create new pull requests for a GitHub repository using the “gh pr create” command. They can specify the source and target branches, provide a title and description for the pull request, and set other properties directly in the command, making it easy to initiate a pull request with the desired details.
  • View Pull Request Details: By using the “gh pr view” command followed by the pull request number or URL, users can retrieve detailed information about a specific pull request. This includes the pull request title, description, associated branches, status, comments, and other metadata, providing a comprehensive overview of the pull request.
  • Update Pull Requests: Users can update the properties of a pull request using the “gh pr edit” command. This enables them to modify the pull request title, description, or other attributes, ensuring that the pull request accurately reflects the changes being made.
  • List Pull Requests: The “gh pr list” command allows users to view a list of pull requests associated with a repository. It displays the pull request number, title, status, author, and other relevant details, providing an overview of the active pull requests in the repository.
  • Merge Pull Requests: Users can merge pull requests using the “gh pr merge” command. This allows for the integration of changes from a feature branch into the target branch, closing the pull request and incorporating the changes into the repository.
  • Close and Reopen Pull Requests: The “gh pr close” and “gh pr reopen” commands enable users to close or reopen a pull request, respectively. This helps in managing the lifecycle of pull requests and ensuring that only relevant and active pull requests are considered.
  • Comment on Pull Requests: Users can add comments to pull requests using the “gh pr comment” command. This facilitates collaboration and communication during the code review process, allowing team members to provide feedback and discuss changes directly from the command-line interface.

By utilizing the capabilities of “gh pr create,” users can efficiently manage GitHub pull requests directly from the command-line interface. It offers a comprehensive set of functionalities for creating, viewing, updating, and merging pull requests, providing a streamlined experience for pull request management and collaboration.

gh pr create Command Examples

1. Interactively create a pull request:

# gh pr create

2. Create a pull request, determining the title and description from the commit messages of the current branch:

# gh pr create --fill

3. Create a draft pull request:

# gh pr create --draft

4. Create a pull request specifying the base branch, title, and description:

# gh pr create --base base_branch --title "title" --body "body"

5. Start opening a pull request in the default web browser:

# gh pr create --web


Overall, “gh pr create” empowers developers and project teams to effectively manage and collaborate on GitHub pull requests without leaving the command-line interface. It enhances the pull request workflow, simplifies code reviews, and provides a seamless experience for working with pull requests in GitHub repositories.

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