gh auth: Authenticate with a GitHub host from the command-line

“gh auth” is a command provided by GitHub CLI (Command-Line Interface) that allows users to authenticate with a GitHub host directly from the command-line interface. This command simplifies the authentication process and enables users to securely access GitHub resources and perform various operations without leaving the command-line environment.

When users run the “gh auth” command, they are guided through a series of prompts to authenticate with GitHub. The authentication process depends on the selected authentication method and the GitHub host being used (such as or GitHub Enterprise Server).

Here are the key features and functionalities of “gh auth”:

  • Authentication Methods: “gh auth” supports various authentication methods, including OAuth, GitHub Apps, and personal access tokens. Users can choose the most appropriate method based on their requirements and the level of access they need.
  • Host Selection: Users can specify the GitHub host they want to authenticate with. This could be the default or a self-hosted GitHub Enterprise Server instance. The command adapts the authentication process accordingly.
  • Interactive Authentication: “gh auth” provides an interactive authentication flow. Users are prompted for their GitHub credentials, API tokens, or other necessary information in a user-friendly manner. This ensures a secure and streamlined authentication process.
  • Token Storage: Once authenticated, “gh auth” securely stores the authentication token or credentials on the local machine. This eliminates the need to repeatedly enter authentication details for subsequent commands, making it more convenient for users.
  • Multiple Profiles: Users can set up multiple authentication profiles for different GitHub hosts or accounts. This allows them to switch between different profiles depending on the context or project they are working on.

By using “gh auth,” users can seamlessly authenticate with GitHub from the command-line interface, enabling them to access repositories, create issues, manage pull requests, and perform other GitHub operations without the need for manual authentication or token management.

gh auth Command Examples

1. Log in with interactive prompt:

# gh auth login

2. Log in with a token from standard input (created in tokens):

# echo your_token | gh auth login --with-token

3. Check if you are logged in:

# gh auth status

4. Log out:

# gh auth logout

5. Log in with a specific GitHub Enterprise Server:

# gh auth login --hostname

6. Refresh the session to ensure authentication credentials have the correct minimum scopes (removes additional scopes requested previously):

# gh auth refresh

7. Expand the permission scopes:

# gh auth refresh --scopes write:org,read:public_key


Overall, “gh auth” enhances the usability and security of GitHub CLI by providing a command-line interface to authenticate with a GitHub host. It streamlines the authentication process and allows users to securely interact with GitHub resources directly from the command line, simplifying their workflow and enhancing productivity.

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