genkernel Command Examples in Linux

genkernel is a command-line tool that is used to compile and install kernels in Gentoo Linux. It is a script that automates the process of configuring, compiling, and installing a kernel for a Gentoo Linux system. It is designed to be a simple and user-friendly tool that can be used by both experienced and novice users.

The genkernel tool can be used to generate a kernel image and associated kernel modules for a specific architecture, and it can also be used to generate an initramfs (initial ramdisk) image. The initramfs is a small filesystem that is loaded into memory at boot time and contains the necessary files and drivers to boot the system.

The genkernel tool can be used to install a kernel in different ways, such as:

  • By compiling a kernel from source code and installing it on the system.
  • By copying a pre-compiled kernel image and associated kernel modules from a package repository and installing it on the system.

To use the genkernel tool, you can run the command genkernel all which will compile and install a kernel with default options and with support for all available features and drivers. The genkernel command also has a number of options that can be used to customize the kernel compilation and installation process. For example, you can use the –kernel-config option to specify a custom kernel configuration file, or the –install option to install the kernel after it has been compiled.

It’s important to note that genkernel is not the only tool available to install and configure a kernel in Gentoo Linux, other options are available such as manual compilation, using pre-compiled kernel images, or using other tools such as genkernel-next.

genkernel Command Examples

1. Automatically compile and install a generic kernel:

# genkernel all

2. Build and install the bzImage|initramfs|kernel|ramdisk only:

# genkernel [bzImage|initramfs|kernel|ramdisk]

3. Apply changes to the kernel configuration before compiling and installing:

# genkernel --menuconfig all

4. Generate a kernel with a custom name:

# genkernel --kernname=[custom_name] all

5. Use a kernel source outside the default directory /usr/src/linux:

# genkernel --kerneldir=/path/to/directory all


In summary, genkernel is a command-line tool that is used to compile and install kernels in Gentoo Linux. It automates the process of configuring, compiling, and installing a kernel, and it can also be used to generate an initramfs image. It’s a simple and user-friendly tool that can be used by both experienced and novice users and it can be used to install a kernel in different ways such as by compiling a kernel from source code, or by copying a pre-compiled kernel image and associated kernel modules from a package repository.

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