gdalbuildvrt: Build Virtual Datasets from a list of existing datasets

“gdalbuildvrt” is a command-line tool that is part of the GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library) package. Its primary purpose is to build Virtual Datasets (VRT) from a list of existing datasets. A VRT is a lightweight metadata file that references multiple raster or vector datasets without actually copying or merging the data. It provides a virtual representation of the combined datasets, allowing for efficient data organization and management.

Here are some key points to elaborate on “gdalbuildvrt”:

  • Virtual Dataset Creation: The main function of “gdalbuildvrt” is to create Virtual Datasets. A Virtual Dataset is a text file that describes the structure and properties of one or more existing raster or vector datasets. It acts as a catalog or index, referencing the source datasets without duplicating the data itself. This enables users to organize and access multiple datasets as a single logical dataset.
  • Command-Line Interface: “gdalbuildvrt” is a command-line tool, which means it is executed from the command prompt or terminal. Users specify the input datasets, either as individual files or using wildcard expressions, and the desired output VRT file. Optional parameters can be used to control the creation process, such as specifying the output resolution, coordinate system, data type, and more.
  • Aggregation and Organization: “gdalbuildvrt” allows users to aggregate multiple datasets into a single VRT file. This is useful when working with large collections of raster or vector data that are logically related or cover the same geographic extent. By creating a VRT, users can organize and access the data as a cohesive unit, simplifying data management and reducing the need to handle individual files.
  • Efficient Data Access: One of the key benefits of using Virtual Datasets is the efficient data access they provide. When accessing the data referenced in a VRT, GDAL dynamically reads and processes only the portions of the source datasets that are necessary for the current operation. This on-the-fly access avoids unnecessary disk I/O and improves performance, particularly when working with large or distributed datasets.
  • Flexibility and Dynamic Updates: Virtual Datasets offer flexibility and adaptability. They can include datasets of different resolutions, coordinate systems, and data types. Additionally, if the source datasets change or new datasets become available, the VRT can be easily updated without modifying the original data. This flexibility allows for dynamic data integration and seamless updates in a geospatial workflow.
  • Integration with GIS Software: “gdalbuildvrt” seamlessly integrates with various GIS software and geospatial tools that support the GDAL library. Once a VRT is created, it can be used as a regular raster or vector dataset, opening up possibilities for visualization, analysis, and processing with GIS software. The VRT can be treated as a unified dataset, facilitating operations like subsetting, reprojection, resampling, and more.
  • Metadata and Optimization: When building a VRT, “gdalbuildvrt” includes metadata from the source datasets, such as georeferencing information, attribute tables, or band information. This ensures that essential metadata is preserved and accessible within the VRT. Additionally, the tool provides options for optimizing the VRT, such as creating overview images for faster display at different zoom levels.

gdalbuildvrt Command Examples

1. Make a virtual mosaic from all TIFF files contained in a directory:

# gdalbuildvrt /path/to/output.vrt /path/to/input_directory/*.tif

2. Make a virtual mosaic from files whose name is specified in a text file:

# gdalbuildvrt -input_file_list /path/to/list.txt /path/to/output.vrt

3. Make an RGB virtual mosaic from 3 single-band input files:

# gdalbuildvrt -separate /path/to/rgb.vrt /path/to/red.tif /path/to/green.tif /path/to/blue.tif

4. Make a virtual mosaic with blue background color (RGB: 0 0 255):

# gdalbuildvrt -hidenodata -vrtnodata "0 0 255" /path/to/output.vrt /path/to/input_directory/*.tif


In summary, “gdalbuildvrt” is a powerful tool for creating Virtual Datasets from a list of existing datasets. By organizing and referencing multiple datasets without duplication, it simplifies data management and enhances data access efficiency. With its flexible and dynamic nature, “gdalbuildvrt” enables users to seamlessly integrate and work with diverse datasets, improving productivity and facilitating geospatial analysis and visualization.

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