gacutil: Global Assembly Cache (CAG) management utility

The gacutil command is a utility provided by Microsoft as part of the .NET Framework SDK (Software Development Kit). It is used to manage the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) on Windows systems.

The Global Assembly Cache (GAC) is a central repository for storing and managing shared .NET assemblies. Assemblies are the building blocks of .NET applications, containing compiled code, metadata, and resources. The GAC allows multiple applications to share and reuse these assemblies, promoting code reusability and versioning control.

The gacutil command provides various functionalities for working with the GAC:

  • Install: The gacutil command can install an assembly into the GAC. When you install an assembly, it becomes available for other applications on the system.
  • Uninstall: The gacutil command can remove an assembly from the GAC. This is useful when you want to remove a specific version of an assembly or when an assembly is no longer needed.
  • List: The gacutil command can list the assemblies currently installed in the GAC. It provides information such as assembly name, version, culture, and public key token.
  • Information: The gacutil command can display detailed information about a specific assembly, including its dependencies and referenced assemblies.
  • Verification: The gacutil command can verify the integrity of assemblies in the GAC. It checks whether the assembly’s file checksum matches the stored value in the GAC.

The gacutil command is primarily used by developers, administrators, and deployment tools that work with .NET assemblies. It provides a convenient way to manage shared assemblies in a centralized location, ensuring consistency and version control across multiple applications.

It’s important to note that the gacutil command is specific to the Windows operating system and the .NET Framework. If you’re using a different development platform or framework, there may be alternative tools or mechanisms for managing shared assemblies.

gacutil Command Examples

1. Install the specified assembly into GAC:

# gacutil -i /path/to/assembly.dll

2. Uninstall the specified assembly from GAC:

# gacutil -i assembly_display_name

3. Print the content of GAC:

# gacutil -l
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