funzip: Print the content of the first (non-directory) member in an archive without extraction

funzip is a command-line utility that allows users to view the contents of the first non-directory member in an archive without extracting it. It provides a convenient and efficient way to examine the content of compressed files without the need for full extraction.

The primary purpose of funzip is to extract and display the content of the first non-directory member within an archive file. It is particularly useful when dealing with compressed files, such as zip archives, where extracting the entire archive might not be necessary or desirable. Instead, funzip focuses on extracting and presenting the contents of the first file within the archive for quick inspection.

Using funzip is straightforward. By executing the funzip command followed by the path to the archive file, the utility will extract the first non-directory member from the archive and display its contents directly on the console or standard output. This allows users to preview the content without the need to create individual files or directories for extraction.

One of the notable advantages of funzip is its efficiency. It efficiently extracts and prints the content of the first file within the archive, saving time and disk space compared to extracting the entire archive. This is particularly beneficial when working with large archives or limited storage resources.

By utilizing funzip, users can quickly assess the contents of an archive and determine if further extraction or processing is necessary. It is especially useful for scenarios where users need to inspect the contents of an archive before deciding whether to fully extract it or perform additional actions.

Furthermore, funzip supports various archive formats, including popular ones like ZIP. This broad compatibility ensures that users can work with a wide range of compressed files using the utility.

funzip Command Examples

1. Print the content of the first member in a .zip archive:

# funzip /path/to/

2. Print the content in a .gz archive:

# funzip /path/to/archive.gz

3. Decrypt a .zip or .gz archive and print the content:

# funzip -password password /path/to/archive


In summary, funzip is a command-line utility designed to extract and display the content of the first non-directory member within an archive file. Its purpose is to provide users with a quick and efficient way to preview the content of compressed files without the need for full extraction. By extracting and displaying the content on the console, funzip allows users to assess the archive’s contents and make informed decisions about further actions or extraction requirements.

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