fossil commit: Commit files to a Fossil repository

The “fossil commit” command is a crucial step in the Fossil version control system that allows you to save changes made to files and directories and store them as a new version within the repository. By executing the “fossil commit” command, you create a permanent snapshot of your project’s state, preserving the modifications and enabling collaboration with other team members.

When you initiate a “fossil commit,” you are essentially finalizing the changes made to your project and creating a new version in the Fossil repository. This process captures the current state of the files and directories you have modified and associates it with a unique identifier, such as a commit hash, timestamp, or user-defined tag.

The “fossil commit” command offers several key functionalities. First and foremost, it allows you to provide a meaningful and descriptive message that summarizes the changes you are committing. This message serves as a reference for others and provides insights into the purpose and nature of the modifications made. It is considered good practice to write clear and concise commit messages that accurately reflect the changes introduced.

Additionally, the “fossil commit” command enables you to review the modifications before finalizing the commit. It presents a summary of the changes made to the files and directories, highlighting additions, deletions, and modifications. This overview allows you to ensure that all relevant changes are included and that unintended modifications are not committed accidentally.

The “fossil commit” command also facilitates collaboration by allowing multiple users to contribute to a project. Each commit represents a distinct contribution, and the Fossil repository keeps track of the authorship information for each commit. This information helps in identifying who made specific modifications and provides a historical record of the project’s evolution.

Committing changes with “fossil commit” establishes a clear version history for your project. You can navigate through the different commits, view the changes introduced in each version, and even revert to previous versions if needed. This functionality enables you to track the progress of your project, compare different iterations, and identify specific modifications that have been introduced over time.

It is worth noting that committing changes with “fossil commit” does not automatically push the changes to a remote repository. Fossil follows a decentralized model, where commits are stored locally until explicitly synchronized with remote repositories. This allows you to work offline, make multiple commits, and then synchronize your changes with remote repositories when you have an internet connection.

fossil commit Command Examples

1. Create a new version containing all the changes in the current checkout; user will be prompted for a comment:

# fossil commit

2. Create a new version containing all the changes in the current checkout, using the specified comment:

# fossil commit --comment "comment"

3. Create a new version containing all the changes in the current checkout with a comment read from a specific file:

# fossil commit --message-file /path/to/commit_message_file

4. Create a new version containing changes from the specified files; user will be prompted for a comment:

# fossil commit /path/to/file1 /path/to/file2


In summary, the “fossil commit” command is a fundamental operation in the Fossil version control system that saves changes made to files and directories as new versions within the repository. By committing changes, you create a permanent snapshot, document the modifications with descriptive messages, enable collaboration, and establish a version history for your project. Understanding how to use “fossil commit” effectively is essential for managing and tracking changes in your projects with Fossil.

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