flash Command Examples in Linux

“flash” is a command-line tool that allows you to create and study flashcards directly in the terminal. It is a simple and lightweight program that can be used to memorize new vocabulary, facts, or any other information that you want to learn. Flashcards are a simple and effective way to learn new information by associating a question with its answer. Flash allows you to create your own set of flashcards and then study them in the terminal. It can display the question and prompt you for the answer, then reveal the correct answer and keep track of your progress.

It allows you to create flashcard sets in a simple text format and then study them using the flash command. You can also import or export flashcard sets in a CSV format. The flash command also allows you to shuffle the flashcards, so you can study them in a random order. Flash is highly customizable, allowing you to adjust settings such as the number of flashcards to study in each session, the interval between flashcards, and whether to show the answer immediately or after a delay.

flash Command Examples

1. Open a menu of available flashcard decks for selection:

# flash

2. Display the program version:

# flash -v

3. Display information about the flashcard system:

# flash -i

4. Display a list of available commands:

# flash -h

5. Change the previewer from default bat to cat:

# flash -p cat
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