fc: Open the most recent command and edit it

“fc” is a command-line utility that allows you to open and edit the most recent command executed in your command history. It provides a convenient way to modify and re-execute commands without having to retype them entirely.

When you run the “fc” command without any arguments, it opens the most recent command in your default text editor. The text editor could be configured based on your system settings or the value of the EDITOR environment variable.

Once the command is opened in the text editor, you can make modifications to it as needed. This includes editing the command itself, adding or removing arguments, or making any other necessary changes. Once you’ve made your modifications, you can save and exit the text editor.

Upon exiting the text editor, the modified command will be executed automatically. This allows you to quickly make adjustments to previously executed commands and rerun them without retyping everything from scratch.

The “fc” command provides several options that allow you to customize its behavior:

  • Using the “-e” option followed by the name of a specific editor allows you to open the command in that editor instead of the default one.
  • Specifying a range of commands using the “-n” option allows you to open and edit a specific command from your command history, rather than just the most recent one.
  • The “-l” option lists the commands in your command history along with their line numbers, providing a convenient way to reference and choose a command to edit.

“fc” is particularly useful when you want to modify a previously executed command without retyping it entirely. It saves time and reduces the chances of introducing typos or mistakes when rewriting complex commands. It’s also helpful for making quick adjustments to commands, experimenting with different arguments, or fixing errors before executing them again.

fc Command Examples

1. Open in the default system editor:

# fc

2. Specify an editor to open with:

# fc -e 'emacs'

3. List recent commands from history:

# fc -l

4. List recent commands in reverse order:

# fc -r

5. List commands in a given interval:

# fc '416' '420'


In summary, “fc” is a command-line utility that allows you to open and edit the most recent command executed in your command history. It opens the command in a text editor, allowing you to make modifications before executing it again. This saves time and helps avoid retyping complex commands, making it a convenient tool for command editing and re-execution.

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